Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 7: 838, 7 - 839, 5

7: 838, 7 - 839, 5
و اما الملك الظاهر يلباى فانه لما نزل الى المقعد بالاسطبل السلطانى فى باكر يوم الخميس و شرع
القتال بين القلعيين و بين يشبك و اصحابه كان حينئذ الى ذلك الوقت فى عز السلطان و لم يظهر
الى ذلك الوقت ان الذى فعله يشبك كان صادرا عنه و تدبيره فلما فهموا ذلك و ابرموا امرهم مع
الظاهرين الكبار حسبما ذكرناه فى اول الكلام اخذوا فى مقته و الازدراء به و التلويح له بما يكره بل
ربما صرح له ذلك بعضهم فى الوجه و طال هذا الامر و الحصر عليه يومى الخميس و الجمعة و ليس
له فيها الا الجلوس على المدورة و الاتابك تمربغا جالس بين يديه و قد رشح للسلطنة عوضه و هو
يعرف هذا بالقرائن لان الذى بقى يطلع الى القعلة من الطوائف طائعا يبوس له الارض ثم يقبل يد
الاتابك تمربغا هذا و الامير قايتباى المحمودى رأس نوبة النوب و الامير جانبك قلقسيز امير مجلس
بمن معهم من خجداشيتهم الظاهرية و الاشرفية ركاب على خيولهم لارسال الامداد لقتال يشبك
الدوادار فلما جاء الليل ليلة السبت ادخل يلباى الى مبيت الحراقة و بات به على هيئة عجيبة الى ان
اصبح النهار و اخذوه و طلعوا به الى القصر الابلق و حبسوه فى المخبأة التى تحت الخرجة بعد
ان طلعوا به ماشيا على هيئة الخلع من السلطنة و اخذوا الناس فى سلطنة الملك الظاهر تمربغا و زال
ملك يلباى هذا كأنه لم يكن فسبحان من لا يزول ملكه
When al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Yilbāy descended to the maqʿad at the ʾIsṭabl Sulṭānī on Thursday morning and the fighting had started between the qalʿīyūn and Yashbak and his ʾaṣḥāb, at that moment, up till that time, he had been in full power of the sultanate (ʿizz al-sulṭān), and up till that time, it had not become clear that what Yashbak had done actually originated from the sultan, and had been organized by him.
When the people understood that (that was the case), and had strenghtened their own position with the Ẓāhirīya kibār, as we have discussed at the beginning of the narrative, they started to hate him, to despise him, and to allude to him in by disgusting terms. Indeed, sometimes even someboyd shouted these right to his face!
This situation and the siege against him continued for two days, Thursday and Friday, during which he couldn’t do anything but to sit upon the cushion (mudawwara, trsl. thus by Popper), while the ʾatābak, Timurbughā, was sitting before him. Timurbughā had been put up as a candidate for the sultanate instead of him, something of which he was aware of from the indications (qarāʾin), as whomsoever of the ṭawāʾif who ascended to the citadel submissively, kissed the ground before (Yilbāy), and then kissed the hand of Timurbughā, the ʾatābak.
In the meanwhile, amir Qāytbāy al-Maḥmūdī, the raʾs nawbat al-nuwab, and amir Jānibak Qulaqsīz, the ʾamīr majlis, mounted their horses, together with their khushdāshīya, the Ẓāhirīya and the ʾAshrafīya, in their company, in order to help fighting against Yashbak, the dawādār.
When Saturday night fell, Yilbāy was taken into the mabīt of the Ḥarrāqa, where he spent the night in a strange way.
The following morning, they took him up ot the Qaṣr ʾAblaq, where they imprisoned him in the secret chamber (makhbaʾa) underneath the Kharja. They had taken him up there on foot, in the manner of the deposition from the sultanate. This happened after the people had started to inaugurate the sultanate of al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Timurbughā.
The rule of al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Yilbāy came to an end, as though it had never existed. Praise Him whose rule doesn’t end!
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Practice (23)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0872-05-01 Promising direct benefits other al-Ẓāhir Yalbāy al-ʾĪnālī al-Muʾayyadī Yashbak al-Faqīh Promising direct benefits other al-Zahir Yalbay al-`Inali al-Mu`ayyadi Yashbak al-Faqih
0872-05-05 Arresting house arrest qalʿīyūna al-Ẓāhir Yalbāy al-ʾĪnālī al-Muʾayyadī Arresting house arrest qal'iyuna al-Zahir Yalbay al-`Inali al-Mu`ayyadi
0872-05-05 Battling street violence qalʿīyūna Yashbak al-Faqīh Battling street violence qal'iyuna Yashbak al-Faqih
0872-05-05 Preparing for battle qalʿīyūna Preparing for battle qal'iyuna
0872-05-06 Battling street violence al-ʾAshrafīya ʾĪnāl Yashbak al-Faqīh Battling street violence al-`Ashrafiya `Inal Yashbak al-Faqih
0872-05-06 Battling street violence al-ʾAshraf Qāytbāy Yashbak al-Faqīh Battling street violence al-`Ashraf Qaytbay Yashbak al-Faqih
0872-05-06 Battling street violence Jānibak al-ʾAshrafī Qulaqsīz Yashbak al-Faqīh Battling street violence Janibak al-`Ashrafi Qulaqsiz Yashbak al-Faqih
0872-05-06 Battling street violence mamālīk ẓāhirīya Jaqmaq(īya) Yashbak al-Faqīh Battling street violence mamalik zahiriya Jaqmaq(iya) Yashbak al-Faqih
0872-05-06 Battling street violence qalʿīyūna Yashbak al-Faqīh Battling street violence qal'iyuna Yashbak al-Faqih
0872-05-06 Arresting house arrest qalʿīyūna al-Ẓāhir Yalbāy al-ʾĪnālī al-Muʾayyadī Arresting house arrest qal'iyuna al-Zahir Yalbay al-`Inali al-Mu`ayyadi
0872-05-06 Ritual obedience unknown al-Ẓāhir Yalbāy al-ʾĪnālī al-Muʾayyadī Ritual obedience unknown al-Zahir Yalbay al-`Inali al-Mu`ayyadi
0872-05-06 Arresting transfer unknown al-Ẓāhir Yalbāy al-ʾĪnālī al-Muʾayyadī Arresting transfer unknown al-Zahir Yalbay al-`Inali al-Mu`ayyadi
0872-05-06 Ritual obedience unknown Timurbughā al-Ẓāhirī Ritual obedience unknown Timurbugha al-Zahiri
0872-05-06 Informing other unknown unknown Informing other unknown unknown
0872-05-06 Negative communication insulting unknown al-Ẓāhir Yalbāy al-ʾĪnālī al-Muʾayyadī Negative communication insulting unknown al-Zahir Yalbay al-`Inali al-Mu`ayyadi
0872-05-06 Obeying other unknown mamālīk ẓāhirīya Jaqmaq(īya) Obeying other unknown mamalik zahiriya Jaqmaq(iya)
0872-05-06 Quarreling displaying unhappiness unknown al-Ẓāhir Yalbāy al-ʾĪnālī al-Muʾayyadī Quarreling displaying unhappiness unknown al-Zahir Yalbay al-`Inali al-Mu`ayyadi
0872-05-06 Promising manṣab sulṭān unknown Timurbughā al-Ẓāhirī Promising mansab sultan unknown Timurbugha al-Zahiri
0872-05-07 Ritual accession observances Timurbughā al-Ẓāhirī unknown Ritual accession observances Timurbugha al-Zahiri unknown
0872-05-07 Ritual procession unknown al-Ẓāhir Yalbāy al-ʾĪnālī al-Muʾayyadī Ritual procession unknown al-Zahir Yalbay al-`Inali al-Mu`ayyadi
0872-05-07 Arresting seizing unknown al-Ẓāhir Yalbāy al-ʾĪnālī al-Muʾayyadī Arresting seizing unknown al-Zahir Yalbay al-`Inali al-Mu`ayyadi
0872-05-07 Dismissing sulṭān unknown al-Ẓāhir Yalbāy al-ʾĪnālī al-Muʾayyadī Dismissing sultan unknown al-Zahir Yalbay al-`Inali al-Mu`ayyadi
0872-05-07 Discharging sulṭān unknown al-Ẓāhir Yalbāy al-ʾĪnālī al-Muʾayyadī Discharging sultan unknown al-Zahir Yalbay al-`Inali al-Mu`ayyadi

Places (1)
