Ibn Taghrī Birdī, al-Manhal 3: 255, 5 - 262, 3

3: 255, 5 - 262, 3
برسباي بن عبد الله، السلطان الملك الأشرف أبو النصر الدقماقي الظاهري الجاركسي، سلطان الديار المصرية والبلاد الشامية والأقطار الحجازية. الثاني والثلاثون من ملوك الترك، والثامن من ملوك الجراكسة. أخذ من بلاد الجاركس، وأبيع بالقرم ودام بمدينة قرم مدة إلى أن اشتراه بعض التجار، وقدم به إلى جهة البلاد الشامية. فلما وصل به إلى مدينة ملطية اشتراه نائبها الأمير دقماق المحمدي منه، ودام عند الأمير دقماق المذكور مدة يسيرة، وأرسله إلى الملك الظاهر برقوق في جملة مماليك أخر مع تقدمة هائلة - كما هو عادة نواب البلاد الشامية - فأخذه الملك الظاهر وجعله في طبقة الزمام إنيا للأمير جركس القاسمي المصارع، فأقام من جملة مماليك الأطباق الكتابية مدة يسيرة، وأخرج له السلطان خيلا، وأعتقه في جملة مماليك أخر. وتنقلت به الأيام إلى أن صار ساقيا في الدولة الناصرية فرج، ثم انحرف إلى جهة الأميرين شيخ ونوروز، وصار معهما إلى أن قتل الملك الناصر فرج، وقدم صحبة الأمير شيخ المحمودي إلى الديار المصرية، وصار من جملة الأمراء بها. ولا زال يترقى إلى أن صار أمير مائة ومقدم ألف بالديار المصرية، وتولى كشف الجسور بأعمال الغريبة. ثم ولى نيابة طرابلس بعد عزل الأمير بردبك الخليلي في ثالث عشرين ربيع الآخر سنة إحدى وعشرين وثمانمائة، فتوجه، إلى طرابلس وباشر النيابة بها، إلى أواخر شهر رمضان من السنة المذكور عزل عنها؛ وسبب ذلك: أن الخبر ورد بأنه قد قدم إلى أعمال طرابلس جماعة من التركمان الأينالية البياضية والأوشرية، ونزلوا على صافيثا من أعمال طرابلس جافلين من قرا يوسف صاحب بغداد، ونهبوا البلاد وأحرقوا منها جانبا؛ فنهاهم برسباي المذكور، فلم ينتهوا؛ فركب إليهم وقاتلهم في يوم الثلاثاء سادس عشرين شهر شعبان، فقتل بينهم خلق كثير، منهم أتابك طرابلس الأمير سودون الأسندمري وغيره، ثم انهزم بمن معه إلى طرابلس وركبت التركمان أقفيتهم، وينهبون أثقالهم، ثم عادوا. وبلغ الخبر المؤيد، فغضب من ذلك، ورسم بعزله والقبض عليه وحبسه بالمرقب، فحبس بالمرقب مدة إلى أن أطلقه الملك المؤيد بسفارة الأمير ططر، وجعله أمير مائة ومقدم ألف بدمشق فدام بدمشق إلى أن قبض عليه نائبها الأمير جقمق الأرغون شاوي الدوادار، بعد موت المؤيد وخروجه عن الطاعة، فدام في السجن إلى أن أطلقه الملك الظاهر ططر، وهو إذ ذلك مدبر مملكة الملك المظفر أحمد بن الملك المؤيد شيخ، ثم أنعم عليه بإمرة مائة وتقدمة ألف، ثم جعله دوادارا كبيرا بعد مسك الأمير علي باي. كل ذلك في أيام قلائل في سنة أربع وعشرين وثمانمائة، وعاد إلى الديار المصرية صحبة الملك الظاهر ططر، فلم يقم بالقاهرة إلا أشهرا، ومرض الظاهر ططر ومات. وصار الأتابك جانبك الصوفي مدبر مملكة الملك الصالح محمد بن الملك الظاهر ططر. وصار الأمير برسباي هذا والأمير طرباي حزبا واحدا، وكثر الكلام بين الأميرين وبين الأتابك جانبك الصوفي، إلى أن لبس الأتابك جانبك آلة الحرب، وركب من باب السلسلة، و وافقه على الركوب الأمير يشبك الجكمي أمير آخور. فلم يكن غير ساعة وخدع، وأنزل إلى بيت الأمير بيبغا المظفري - تجاه باب السلسلة - ومعه الأمير يشبك المذكور، وقبض عليهما، وحملا إلى ثغر الإسكندرية، وحبسا بها. وصفا الوقت إلى الأمير برسباي وطرباي، وصار أمر المملكة لهما. واستمرا على ذلك مدة يسيرة، ووقع بينهما، وكثر الكلام في هذا المعنى، وتخوف طرباي من طلوع الخدمة؛ فإن برسباي كان سكنه بطبقة الأشرفية من القلعة، وكان طرباي سكنه أسفل، وعدى إلى الربيع وزادت الوحشة بينهما إلى أن أرسل برسباي بجماعة من الأمراء إلى طرباي وطيبوا خاطر، وحسنوا له الطلوع إلى الخدمة السلطانية؛ فعدى من بر الجيزة عائدا إلى القاهرة في يوم الثلاثاء ثاني شهر ربيع الأول، وأصبح في ثالثه قبض الأمير برسباي على الأمير سودون الحموي، وعلى الأمير قانصوه النوروزي، وكانا من أصحاب طرباي؛ فكثرت القالة. وبات طرباي ليلة الخميس وجماعة وأصحابه يحذرونه الطلوع إلى القلعة، وهو لا يصغي لقولهم، وفي ظنه أن الأمراء لا يعدلون عنه إلى غيره، وأن الأمير برسباي لا يقابله بسوء؛ لأنه في ابتداء الأمر كان طرباي متميزا على برسباي - منذ مات الظاهر برقوق - وفي أواخر الأمر هو الذي استمال الدولة إلى الأمير برسباي. ونفرهم عن الأتابك جانبك الصوفي، ثم خدع جانبك حتى نزل من الإصطبل السلطاني، ثم قبض عليه، فكان طرباي يرى أنه هو الذي أقام برسباي فيما هو فيه.وأصبح يوم الخميس، وطلع إلى الخدمة بالقصر السلطاني من قلعة الجبل، ودخل إلى السلطان، وجلس من يمينه، وجلس الأمير برسباي عن يساره، وجلس كل واحد من الأمراء في منزلته. فلما استقر بهم الجلوس ابتدأ الأمير برسباي بأن قال: الكلمة غير مسموعة بيننا، والرأي أن تكون الكلمة لواحد منا. فما استتم الكلام حتى قال الأمير قصروه من تمراز: أنت المشار إليه، وأنت صاحب الكلمة، فقال الأمير برسباي في الحال: فاقبضوا على طرباي. فلما سمع طرباي ذلك شهر سيفه؛ ليدفع عن نفسه، فبادره الأمير برسباي بالسبق إلى النهوض، وضربه بالسيف ضربة جاءت في يده، كادت تبينها، ثم جاءه الأمير قصروه من خلفه، وقبض عليه هو والأمير تغري بردى المحمودي، وحمل إلى السجن من ساعته، وقد تضمخ بدمه، فوقعت هجة بالقصر، وتكسر لنصرة طرباي، ثم أخرج من الغد إلى الإسكندرية، وصفا الوقت للأمير برسباي، وأخذ في أسباب سلطنته، فأرسل الأمير محمد بن إبراهيم بن منجك إلى دمشق؛ ليحضر بنائبها الأمير تنبك العلائي - المعروف بميق - ثم أخذ وأعطى إلى أن قدم الأمير تنبك المذكور في يوم الاثنين سادس ربيع الآخر سنة خمس وعشرين وثمانمائة، وتلقاه غالب أعيان الأمراء والدولة، ما عدا الأمير برسباي؛ فإنه خرج له من القصر إلى قرب الإيوان من القلعة وعانقه، ثم دخل به إلى الملك الصالح، وخلع عليه باستمراره في نيابة دمشق
ثم خلا به، وتحدث معه، فكان أول كلام الأمير برسباي بأن قال له: أنت أغتنا، وأنت لائق للسلطنة، فلم يسع تنبك إلا أن قام من وقته وقبّل الأرض، وبايعه بالسلطنة ثم وافقه على ذلك جماعة الأمراء وغيرهم، وخلع الملك الصالح محمد بن ططر فكانت مدة سلطنته أربعة أشهر وثلاثة أيام

Al-Malik al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy b. ʿAbd Allāh, sultan al-Malik al-ʾAshraf ʾAbu l-Naṣr al-Duqmāqī al-Ẓāhirī al-Jārkasī, sultan of Egypt, Syria and the Hijaz, the 32th of the Turkish kings, and the 8th of the Circassian kings. He was brought from Circassia, and offered for sale in the Crim, and he stayed there for a while until he was bought by a merchant, who went with him to Syria. When he arrived with him in the city of Malaṭīya he sold him to the nāʾib of the city, amir Duqmāq al-Muḥammadī, with whom he stayed for a short period. Then Duqmāq sent him to al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Barqūq with other mamluks and a splendid gift-as was the custom of the nāʾibs of Syria. Al-Malik al-Ẓāhir took him and placed him in the Zimām barrack, as ʾinī of amir Jarkas al-Qāmisī al-Muṣārīʿ. He stayed there for a short period as one of the mamluks of the kuttābīya barracks, then the sultan brought out a horse for him, and manumitted him, amongst other mamluks. Days passed by for him until he became sāqī in the reign of al-Nāṣir Faraj, then he turned toward the amirs Nawrūz and Shaykh, and stayed with him until al-Malik al-Nāṣir Faraj was killed and he went with amir Shaykh al-Maḥmūdī to Egypt and became one of the amirs there. He was constantly promoted until he became amir of 100 of Egypt and he was appointed as kāshif of the bridges in the Western districts. Then he was appointed as nāʾib of Tripoli, after the dismissal of amir Bardbak al-Khalīlī on 23/04/821. He went to Tripoli and became the nāʾib there until he was dismissed at the end of Ramaḍān of the same year. The reason for this was that the news arrived that a group of the ʾĪnālīya Turkmen had come to the district of Tripoli and had attacked Sāfita on their flight from Qarā Yūsuf, the ruler of Bagdad. They plundered the town and burnt part of it, and Barsbāy prohibited them this but they did not stop. So he rode towards them and fought against them on Thursday 26/08. Many people of both sides died, amongst them was the ʾatābak of Tripoli, amir Sūdūn al-ʾAsandamurī, and others. Then he fled with his followers to Tripoli, the Turkmen followed them and took their equipment, then they returned. This news reached al-Muʾayyad and he was angry because of this and ordered to dismiss and arrest Barsbāy. He was imprisoned in Marqab and stayed there for a while, until al-Malik al-Muʾayyad released him after the intercession of amir Ṭaṭar, and made him amir of 100 in Damascus. He stayed in Damascus until the nāʾib there, amir Jaqmaq al-ʾArghūn Shāwī the dawādār arrested him, after the death of al-Muʾayyad and his rebellion. He stayed in prison until al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar, who was at that time responsible of the reign of al-Muẓaffar ʾAḥmad b. al-Malik al-Muʾayyad Shaykh, released him, then he made him amir of 100 and dawādār kabīr after the arrest of amir ʿAlī Bāy. All of this happened in a few days in 824 and then Barsbāy returned to Egypt with al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar, who did not stay more than a month in Cairo, then he became ill and died. ʾAtābak Jānibak al-Ṣūfī became responsible for the reign of al-Malik al-Ṣāliḥ Muḥammad b.al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar. Amir Barsbāy and amir Ṭarabāy formed one faction. There were many discussions between the two amirs and ʾatābak Jānibak al-Ṣūfī, until this last one dressed for war and rode from the Bāb al-Silsila and amir Yashbak al-Jakamī the ʾamīr ʾākhūr agreed with this, and there was no other moment and he was was misled. He descended to the house of Baybughā al-Muẓaffarī, in front of the Bāb al-Silsila, with the fore-mentioned amir Yashbak and they were both arrested, brought to the fortress of Alexandria and imprisoned there. The time had come for amir Barsbāy and amir Ṭarabāy and the command of the government was divided between the two of them. This situation only lasted a short time, then dissension rose between them, there were many discussions and Ṭarabāy was afraid to go up to the khidma. In the meanwhile Barsbāy was living in the ʾAshrafī barrack of the citadel and Ṭarabāy lived underneath. He crossed the river to the spring pastures and the alienation between them augmented until Barsbāy sent a group amirs to Ṭarabāy to please him and to present the ascension to the khidma of the sultan in a better light to him. He crossed from the shore of Giza and returned to Cairo on Tuesday 02/03. The next morning, 03/03, amir Barsbāy arrested amir Sūdūn al-Ḥamawī and amir Qānṣūh al-Nawrūzī, two friends of Ṭarabāy and there were a lot of rumours about this. Ṭarabāy spent the night of Thursday while his followers and friends warned him against going up to the citadel, but he did not pay attention to their words, as he thought that the amirs would not turn away from him to someone else and that amir Barsbāy would not harm him, because in the beginning amir Ṭarabāy had been preferred over Barsbāy -since the death of al-Ẓāhir Barqūq - and in the end he had made the state favorable to Barsbāy: he had turned them away from Jānibak al-Ṣūfī, then he misled Jānibak until he descended from the stables of the sultan and then he arrested him, so Jānibak thought that he was the one who brought Barsbāy were he was now. On Thursday morning he went up to the sultan’s palace at the citadel, entered in the sultan’s quarters, and sat at his right, while amir Barsbāy sat at his left. Every amir sat down at his place. When they had taken their seats, amir Barsbāy started to speak to them and said: The word is not heard between the two of us and the opinion is that the authority should be given to one of us. He had not ended his words before amir Qaṣrūh min Timrāz said: You are the most suitable for this and you have the authority. Amir Barsbāy said immediately: Arrest Ṭarabāy. When Ṭarabāy heard this he drew his sword to defend himself, but amir Barsbāy rushed to him before he could stand up. He gave him a blow with the sword in his hand, which was almost cut off. Then amir Qaṣrūh grasped him from behind and he and amir Taghrī Birdī al-Maḥmūdī captured him and he was immediately brought to prison, dripping with his his own blood. There was a fight in the palace and one of the China dishes was broken and the food was dispersed. Then everything became quiet again, and nobody made a move to help Ṭarabāy. The next morning he was brought to Alexandria. The time was right for Barsbāy and he started to prepare his sultanate. He sent amir Muḥammad b. ʾIbrāhīm b. Manjak to Damascus to summon the nāʾib there, amir Tanbak al-ʿAlāʾī known as Miyiq. He started to give presents until amir Tanbak Miyiq arrived on Monday 06/04/825. Most of the ʾaʿyān of the amirs and the state officials received him, without amir Barsbāy. He left the palace to him, towards the vicinity of the ʾīwān of the citadel and embraced him. Then he went with him to al-Malik al-Ṣāliḥ and he gave him a robe of honour and confirmed him as nāʾib of Damascus. Then he spent some time alone with him and spoke to him. The first word amir Barsbāy said to him was: You are our aghā and you are most fit for the sultanate, but Tanbak only stood up, immediately, kissed the ground and pledged allegiance to his sultanate. Then a group of the amirs agreed with him on this and al-Malik al-Ṣāliḥ Muḥammad b. Ṭaṭar was deposed. He had been sultan for 4 months and 3 days.

Related properties

Events (39)

Name Date Extra
Appointments after Barsbāy becoming niẓām al-mulk 0824-12-16 Appointments after Barsbay becoming nizam al-mulk
Appointments after Ṭaṭar becoming sultan 0824-09-03 Appointments after Tatar becoming sultan
Arrest of Muʾayyadīya amirs after taking control of Ṭaṭar 0824-08-28 Arrest of Mu`ayyadiya amirs after taking control of Tatar
Arrest of companions of Ṭarabāy 0825-03-03 Arrest of companions of Tarabay
Assasination of al-Nāṣir Faraj 0815-12-31 Assasination of al-Nasir Faraj
Barsbāy al-Duqmāqī appointed kāshif al-jusūr 0821-03-28 Barsbay al-Duqmaqi appointed kashif al-jusur
Barsbāy al-Duqmāqī appointed nāʾib of Tripoli 0821-04-23 Barsbay al-Duqmaqi appointed na`ib of Tripoli
Barsbāy and Ṭaṭar enter service of al-Muʾayyad 0815-08-01 Barsbay and Tatar enter service of al-Mu`ayyad
Barsbāy appointed as sultan 0825-03-31 Barsbay appointed as sultan
Barsbāy becomes sāqī 0821-04-23 Barsbay becomes saqi
Barsbāy defeated by Turkmen 0821-08-26 Barsbay defeated by Turkmen
Barsbāy dismissed and imprisoned 0821-09-14 Barsbay dismissed and imprisoned
Barsbāy enters service of Nawrūz 0815-08-01 Barsbay enters service of Nawruz
Barsbāy made ʾinī of Jarkas al-Muṣāriʿ. 0801-01-01 Barsbay made `ini of Jarkas al-Musari'.
Barsbāy manumitted by Barqūq 0808-01-01 Barsbay manumitted by Barquq
Barsbāy promoted amir of 100 0824-01-09 Barsbay promoted amir of 100
Barsbāy promoted amir of 100 0821-04-23 Barsbay promoted amir of 100
Barsbāy purchased by Duqmāq 0808-01-01 Barsbay purchased by Duqmaq
Barsbāy released after intercession of Ṭaṭar 0823-01-20 Barsbay released after intercession of Tatar
Barsbāy released and appointed amir 100 0823-01-20 Barsbay released and appointed amir 100
Barsbāy released by Ṭaṭar 0823-01-20 Barsbay released by Tatar
Barsbāy sent from Duqmāq to al-Ẓāhir Barqūq 0801-01-01 Barsbay sent from Duqmaq to al-Zahir Barquq
Barsbāy stays in citadel with some of the amirs supporting him 0824-12-04 Barsbay stays in citadel with some of the amirs supporting him
Death and burial of sultan Ṭaṭar 0824-12-04 Death and burial of sultan Tatar
Jānibak al-Ṣūfī and Yashbak captured 0824-12-10 Janibak al-Sufi and Yashbak captured
Muḥammad b. Manjak leaves to Damascus 0825-03-05 Muhammad b. Manjak leaves to Damascus
Negociation between Barsbāy and Turkmen 0821-08-26 Negociation between Barsbay and Turkmen
Rumours about arrest of companions of Ṭurbāy 0825-03-03 Rumours about arrest of companions of Turbay
Sultanate entrusted to Muḥammad b. Ṭaṭar 0824-12-02 Sultanate entrusted to Muhammad b. Tatar
Supporters of Ṭarabāy warn him against Barsbāy 0825-03-03 Supporters of Tarabay warn him against Barsbay
Tanbak Miyiq reappointed as nāʾib of Damascus 0825-04-06 Tanbak Miyiq reappointed as na`ib of Damascus
Tension between Ṭarabāy and Barsbāy 0825-02-28 Tension between Tarabay and Barsbay
Turkmen attack Ṣāfitā 0821-08-26 Turkmen attack Safita
Yashbak tries to convince Ṭarabāy to go to the khidma 0825-03-02 Yashbak tries to convince Tarabay to go to the khidma
ʾAlṭunbughā al-Qurmushī joins Jaqmaq 0824-08-26 `Altunbugha al-Qurmushi joins Jaqmaq
Ṭarabāy arrested during khidma 0825-03-04 Tarabay arrested during khidma
Ṭarabāy brought to Alexandria 0825-03-05 Tarabay brought to Alexandria
Ṭarabāy, Qujaq and Baybughā al-Muẓaffarī pretend to support Jānibak al-Sūfī 0824-12-10 Tarabay, Qujaq and Baybugha al-Muzaffari pretend to support Janibak al-Sufi
Shaykh arrives in Egypt Shaykh arrives in Egypt

Practice (80)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
[no date] Arriving al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Arriving al-`Ashraf Barsbay
[no date] Arriving al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Arriving al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh
0801-01-01 Ustādhīya training al-Ẓāhir Barqūq al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Ustadhiya training al-Zahir Barquq al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0801-01-01 Presenting other Duqmāq al-Muḥammadī al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Presenting other Duqmaq al-Muhammadi al-Zahir Barquq
0801-01-01 Khushdāshīya general Jārkas al-Qāsimī al-Muṣāriʿ al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Khushdashiya general Jarkas al-Qasimi al-Musari' al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0808-01-01 Ustādhīya Manumitting al-Ẓāhir Barqūq al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Ustadhiya Manumitting al-Zahir Barquq al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0808-01-01 Ceremonial benefit horses + al-Ẓāhir Barqūq al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Ceremonial benefit horses + al-Zahir Barquq al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0808-01-01 Ustādhīya Buying Duqmāq al-Muḥammadī al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Ustadhiya Buying Duqmaq al-Muhammadi al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0815-08-01 Serving other al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Nawrūz al-Ḥāfiẓī Serving other al-`Ashraf Barsbay Nawruz al-Hafizi
0815-08-01 Serving other al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Serving other al-`Ashraf Barsbay al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh
0815-12-31 Assassinating UNKWN unknown al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Assassinating UNKWN unknown al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq
0821-03-28 Promoting ʾamīr (general) al-Muʾayyad Shaykh al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Promoting `amir (general) al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0821-03-28 Appointing kāshif jusūr (al-Wajh al-Baḥrī) al-Muʾayyad Shaykh al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Appointing kashif jusur (al-Wajh al-Bahri) al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0821-04-23 Promoting ʾamīr 100 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) al-Muʾayyad Shaykh al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Promoting `amir 100 (al-Qahira/Cairo) al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0821-04-23 Appointing nāʾib (Ṭarābulus/Tripoli) al-Muʾayyad Shaykh al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Appointing na`ib (Tarabulus/Tripoli) al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0821-04-23 Appointing sāqī (sulṭān) unknown al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Appointing saqi (sultan) unknown al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0821-04-23 Discharging nāʾib (Ṭarābulus/Tripoli) unknown Birdibak al-Khalīlī Qiṣqā Discharging na`ib (Tarabulus/Tripoli) unknown Birdibak al-Khalili Qisqa
0821-08-26 Meeting other al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy al-Turkumān Meeting other al-`Ashraf Barsbay al-Turkuman
0821-08-26 Battling nomad campaign al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy al-Turkumān Battling nomad campaign al-`Ashraf Barsbay al-Turkuman
0821-08-26 Looting general al-Turkumān unknown Looting general al-Turkuman unknown
0821-08-26 Battling military campaign al-Turkumān unknown Battling military campaign al-Turkuman unknown
0821-08-26 Supporting military campaign wa man maʿahu al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Supporting military campaign wa man ma'ahu al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0821-08-26 Fleeing al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Fleeing al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0821-08-26 Dying Sūdūn al-ʾAsandamurī Dying Sudun al-`Asandamuri
0821-08-26 Fleeing wa man maʿahu Fleeing wa man ma'ahu
0821-09-14 Ordering obedience al-Muʾayyad Shaykh unknown Ordering obedience al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh unknown
0821-09-14 Arresting seizing al-Muʾayyad Shaykh al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Arresting seizing al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0821-09-14 Quarreling displaying unhappiness al-Muʾayyad Shaykh al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Quarreling displaying unhappiness al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0821-09-14 Dismissing nāʾib (Ṭarābulus/Tripoli) al-Muʾayyad Shaykh al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Dismissing na`ib (Tarabulus/Tripoli) al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0823-01-20 Direct benefit change of sentence al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Direct benefit change of sentence al-Zahir Tatar al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0823-01-20 Interceding (broker) change of sentence al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Interceding (broker) change of sentence al-Zahir Tatar al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh
0823-01-20 Direct benefit change of sentence al-Muʾayyad Shaykh al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Direct benefit change of sentence al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0823-01-20 Interceding (patrons - other) change of sentence al-Muʾayyad Shaykh al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Interceding (patrons - other) change of sentence al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh al-Zahir Tatar
0823-01-20 Appointing ʾamīr 100 (Dimashq/Damascus) al-Muʾayyad Shaykh al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Appointing `amir 100 (Dimashq/Damascus) al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0824-01-09 Promoting ʾamīr 100 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Promoting `amir 100 (al-Qahira/Cairo) al-Zahir Tatar al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0824-08-26 Quarreling insubordination Jaqmaq al-ʾArghūn Shāwī al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Quarreling insubordination Jaqmaq al-`Arghun Shawi al-Zahir Tatar
0824-08-28 Arresting seizing unknown ʿAlī Bāy al-Muʾayyadī al-Dawādār Arresting seizing unknown 'Ali Bay al-Mu`ayyadi al-Dawadar
0824-09-03 Appointing dawādār kabīr (sulṭān) al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Appointing dawadar kabir (sultan) al-Zahir Tatar al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0824-12-02 Performing central Jānibak al-Ṣūfī unknown https://ihodp.ugent.be/corpus/0845maqrizi.suluk.mms Performing central Janibak al-Sufi unknown
0824-12-04 Supporting other Ṭarabāy* al-Ẓāhirī al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Supporting other Tarabay* al-Zahiri al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0824-12-04 Dying al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Dying al-Zahir Tatar
0824-12-10 Arresting capturing unknown Jānibak al-Ṣūfī Arresting capturing unknown Janibak al-Sufi
0824-12-10 Arresting capturing unknown Yashbak al-Jakamī Arresting capturing unknown Yashbak al-Jakami
0824-12-10 Arresting transfer unknown Jānibak al-Ṣūfī Arresting transfer unknown Janibak al-Sufi
0824-12-10 Arresting transfer unknown Yashbak al-Jakamī Arresting transfer unknown Yashbak al-Jakami
0824-12-10 Negative communication subterfuge unknown Jānibak al-Ṣūfī Negative communication subterfuge unknown Janibak al-Sufi
0824-12-10 Supporting other Yashbak al-Jakamī Jānibak al-Ṣūfī Supporting other Yashbak al-Jakami Janibak al-Sufi
0824-12-10 Traveling Jānibak al-Ṣūfī Traveling Janibak al-Sufi
0824-12-10 Traveling Yashbak al-Jakamī Traveling Yashbak al-Jakami
0824-12-16 Performing central Ṭarabāy* al-Ẓāhirī unknown Performing central Tarabay* al-Zahiri unknown
0824-12-16 Performing central al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy unknown Performing central al-`Ashraf Barsbay unknown
0825-02-28 Quarreling displaying unhappiness Ṭarabāy* al-Ẓāhirī al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Quarreling displaying unhappiness Tarabay* al-Zahiri al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0825-03-02 Negative communication subterfuge ʾumarāʾ Ṭarabāy* al-Ẓāhirī Negative communication subterfuge `umara` Tarabay* al-Zahiri
0825-03-02 Arriving Ṭarabāy* al-Ẓāhirī Arriving Tarabay* al-Zahiri
0825-03-03 Supporting other ṣāḥib / ʾaṣḥāb Ṭarabāy* al-Ẓāhirī Supporting other sahib / `ashab Tarabay* al-Zahiri
0825-03-03 Informing fitna ṣāḥib / ʾaṣḥāb Ṭarabāy* al-Ẓāhirī Informing fitna sahib / `ashab Tarabay* al-Zahiri
0825-03-03 Arresting seizing al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Sūdūn al-Ḥamawī Arresting seizing al-`Ashraf Barsbay Sudun al-Hamawi
0825-03-03 Arresting seizing al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Qānṣūh al-Nawrūzī Arresting seizing al-`Ashraf Barsbay Qansuh al-Nawruzi
0825-03-03 Supporting other jamāʿa Ṭarabāy* al-Ẓāhirī Supporting other jama'a Tarabay* al-Zahiri
0825-03-03 Informing fitna jamāʿa Ṭarabāy* al-Ẓāhirī Informing fitna jama'a Tarabay* al-Zahiri
0825-03-03 Supporting other Qānṣūh al-Nawrūzī Ṭarabāy* al-Ẓāhirī Supporting other Qansuh al-Nawruzi Tarabay* al-Zahiri
0825-03-03 Supporting other Sūdūn al-Ḥamawī Ṭarabāy* al-Ẓāhirī Supporting other Sudun al-Hamawi Tarabay* al-Zahiri
0825-03-03 Negative communication rumors unknown unknown Negative communication rumors unknown unknown
0825-03-04 Battling other Ṭarabāy* al-Ẓāhirī al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Battling other Tarabay* al-Zahiri al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0825-03-04 Ritual public session Ṭarabāy* al-Ẓāhirī al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Ritual public session Tarabay* al-Zahiri al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0825-03-04 Arresting seizing Qaṣrūh min Timrāz al-Ẓāhirī Ṭarabāy* al-Ẓāhirī Arresting seizing Qasruh min Timraz al-Zahiri Tarabay* al-Zahiri
0825-03-04 Supporting other Qaṣrūh min Timrāz al-Ẓāhirī al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Supporting other Qasruh min Timraz al-Zahiri al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0825-03-04 Arresting seizing Taghrī Birdī al-Maḥmūdī Ṭarabāy* al-Ẓāhirī Arresting seizing Taghri Birdi al-Mahmudi Tarabay* al-Zahiri
0825-03-05 Assigning mission al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Muḥammad b. Manjak Assigning mission al-`Ashraf Barsbay Muhammad b. Manjak
0825-03-05 Arresting transfer unknown Ṭarabāy* al-Ẓāhirī Arresting transfer unknown Tarabay* al-Zahiri
0825-03-05 Traveling Muḥammad b. Manjak Traveling Muhammad b. Manjak
0825-03-31 Appointing sulṭān ʾumarāʾ al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Appointing sultan `umara` al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0825-04-06 Meeting other ʾaʿyān Tanbak Miyiq Meeting other `a'yan Tanbak Miyiq
0825-04-06 Meeting other ʾahl dawla Tanbak Miyiq Meeting other `ahl dawla Tanbak Miyiq
0825-04-06 Meeting other ʾumarāʾ Tanbak Miyiq Meeting other `umara` Tanbak Miyiq
0825-04-06 Ritual attire al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Tanbak Miyiq Ritual attire al-`Ashraf Barsbay Tanbak Miyiq
0825-04-06 Direct benefit honour al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Tanbak Miyiq Direct benefit honour al-`Ashraf Barsbay Tanbak Miyiq
0825-04-06 Ceremonial benefit attire al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Tanbak Miyiq Ceremonial benefit attire al-`Ashraf Barsbay Tanbak Miyiq
0825-04-06 Arriving Tanbak Miyiq Arriving Tanbak Miyiq
0825-04-06 Appointing nāʾib (Dimashq/Damascus) al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Tanbak Miyiq Appointing na`ib (Dimashq/Damascus) al-`Ashraf Barsbay Tanbak Miyiq

Places (5)