al-Ṣayrafī, Nuzhat al-Nufūs 4: 55, 3 - 56, 5

4: 55, 3 - 56, 5
يوم الخميس ثامنه استدعى السلطان قضاة القضاة والأمراء والمباشرين وأعيان الدولة في القلعة في قصر بعد الخدمة ونصبوا بعض نواب القاضي الشافعي وهو علي بن أقبرس علاء الدين وكيلا فادعى على نقيب الحكم ابن يعقوب بعد أن أقيم وكيلا عن الأمير قرقماس الشعباني دعوى حسبة بين يدي قاضي القضاة شمس الدين البساظي المالكي أن الأمير قرقماس عصى وخرج عن طاعة ولي الأمر وحارب الله ورسوله وأنه قتل معه من المسلمين بسبب ذلك عدة وجرح أكثر وأن إقامته بالسجن يؤول منها مفاسد وفتن وأن في قتله مصلحة وشهد بذلك جماعة من الأمراء فحكم البساطي بموجب ذلك فقال له الشيخ الإمام أحمد بن علي بن حجر ما موجب ذلك قال القتل فعين السلطان من فوره بعض المماليك إلى إسكندرية فوصلوا في يوم الأثنين ثاني عشره وقال الشيخ بدر الدين العيني إنه وصل يوم الأحد الحادي عشر والقاصد يقال له طوغان السيفي أقبردي المنقار واستدعاه الأمير تمرباي التمربغاوي وهو يرسف في قيوده فقرئ عليه الكتاب وقد اجتمع الملأ العظيم من الناس لرؤيته وقيل له هل لك دافع أو مطعن فيما حكم به الهساطي المالكي؟ فإنه كان أبقي له الحجة فأجاب بعدم الدافع والمطعن هكذا نقل المقريزي
وقال البدر العيني إنه لم يتكلم بشيء
842 AH, Thu 08/07:
On Thursday the 8th the sultan summoned the chief judges, the amirs, the mubāshirūn and the ʾaʿyān dawla in the palace of the Citadel after the khidma. A nāʾib of the Shāfiʿī judge, ʿAlī b. ʾAqbars ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn was appointed as wakīl. He made against naqīb ḥukm Ibn Yaʿqūb -after he had been assigned as wakīl for Qurqumās al-Shaʿbānī- important claims before chief judge Shams al-Dīn al-Basāṭī al-Mālikī that amir Qurqumās had rebelled and left the obedience of the walī ʾamr. He had fought Allāh and his messenger, thereby killing a number of Muslims and wounding many more. His stay in prison was explained by scandalous deeds and fitnas. And that his killing was in the common interest. This was testified by a group of amirs so al-Basāṭī ruled according this. Shaykh imam ʾAḥmad b. ʿAlī b. Ḥajar said to him: “what is the necessity of this?” and he said: “the killing”. So the sultan assigned immediately some mamluks to go to Alexandria. They arrived on Monday the 12th, but shayhk Badr al-Dīn al-ʿAynī said that they arrived on Sunday the 11th. The qāṣid was called Ṭūghān.
Amir Timurbāy al-Timurbughāwī summoned him while he was in chains and shackles. The writing was read to him and already al large crowd had gathered to see him. He said: “do you have any defense or mistake in what was ruled by al-Basāṭī al-Mālikī?” and that proof remained for him. He answered that there was no defense or mistake.
This was according to al-Maqrīzī but al-Badr al-Dīn al-ʿAynī reported he said nothing.
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Practice (13)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0842-07-08 Performing religious ʾAḥmad b. Yaʿqūb unknown Performing religious `Ahmad b. Ya'qub unknown
0842-07-08 Performing religious ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn b. ʾĀqbars unknown Performing religious 'Ala` al-Din b. `Aqbars unknown
0842-07-08 Ritual public session al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq ʾumarāʾ Ritual public session al-Zahir Jaqmaq `umara`
0842-07-08 Ritual public session al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq mubāshirūn Ritual public session al-Zahir Jaqmaq mubashirun
0842-07-08 Ritual public session al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq unknown Ritual public session al-Zahir Jaqmaq unknown
0842-07-08 Assigning mission al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq zawja Saʿd al-Dīn b. Ghurrāb Assigning mission al-Zahir Jaqmaq zawja Sa'd al-Din b. Ghurrab
0842-07-08 Ritual public session al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq ʾaʿyān Ritual public session al-Zahir Jaqmaq `a'yan
0842-07-08 Performing religious Shams al-Dīn al-Basāṭī unknown Performing religious Shams al-Din al-Basati unknown
0842-07-08 Performing religious Shihāb al- Dīn ʾAḥmad b. Ḥajar unknown Performing religious Shihab al- Din `Ahmad b. Hajar unknown
0842-07-08 Traveling zawja Saʿd al-Dīn b. Ghurrāb Traveling zawja Sa'd al-Din b. Ghurrab
0842-07-12 Performing other Ṭughān al-Khāṣṣakī Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Performing other Tughan al-Khassaki Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0842-07-12 Performing local Timurbāy al-Timurbughāwī Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Performing local Timurbay al-Timurbughawi Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0842-07-12 Arriving Ṭughān al-Khāṣṣakī Arriving Tughan al-Khassaki

Places (2)