al-Maqrīzī, Sulūk 4: 620, 15- 621, 8

4: 620, 15- 621, 8
و في هذه الايام ابتدیء بعمل الخربة التي بخط الركن المخلق من القاهرة وكالة و هذه الخربة موضعها
الآن داخل الدرب الاصفر حيث كان يعرف قديما بالمنحر و بابها من وسط سوق الركن المخلق عملته
خوند بركة ام السلطان الملك الاشرف شعبان بن حسين بن محمد بن قلاون اعوام بضع و سبعين و
سبع ماءة (ليكون) داخله قاعة بجوار القيسارية التي أنشأتها و عملت برسم بيع الجواد فماتت قبل
عمارتها و قد فرغت واجهة الباب فقط ف تعطلت دهرا الی ان اخذ الامير جمال الدين يوسف استادار
القيسارية المذكورة من وقف ام السلطان علی مدرستها بخط التبانة قريبا من قلعة الجبل و صيرها من
جملة اوقافه علی مدرسته التي أنشأها بخط رحبة باب العيد وضع يده ايضا علی هذه الخربة و مات
قبل ان يعمل فيها شيءا فلم تزل معطلة حتی وقع اختيار السلطان في هذا الوقت علی عملها وكالة
فابتدیء بعملها
825 AH, Shawwāl
In these days, work was begun on a wakāla on the site of ruins on the rukn al-mukhallaq side of Cairo. The location of these ruins now is inside the darb al-ʾaṣfar, which used to be known as al-Manḥar. Its gate is from the middle of the sūq al-rukn al-mukhallaq. It was built by Khawand Baraka, mother of Sultan al-Malik al-ʾAshraf Shaʿbān b. Ḥusayn b. Muḥammad b. Qalāwun in the 770s. Inside was to be a hall of residence, next to the caravansaray that she had constructed, and that was set up for the purpose of selling race horses. She died before it was built; only the the side with the door had been completed. It was idle for a long time until the amir Jamāl al-Dīn Yūsuf, ʾustādār of the aforementioned caravansaray, took it from the waqf of the mother of the sultan to her madrasa, on the al-tabāna side, near the citadel. It became part of his waqfs at his madrasa which he had built on the Raḥba side of the bāb al-ʿīd. He also took over these ruins. He died before anything was done there, and it stayed idle until the sultan decided at this time to build a wakāla there, and the work commenced.
Related properties

Practice (2)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0780-01-01 Construction UNKWN Khawand Baraka Khātūn unknown Construction UNKWN Khawand Baraka Khatun unknown
0825-01-01 Construction religious Jamāl al-Dīn Yūsuf al-ʾUstādār unknown Construction religious Jamal al-Din Yusuf al-`Ustadar unknown

Institutions (2)

Institution (via actor properties) Extra
ʾustādār (sulṭān) `ustadar (sultan)
sulṭān sultan

Places (1)
