Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 7: 669, 14 - 672, 5

7: 669, 14 - 672, 5
كل ذلك و الملك المؤيد فى القلعة فى اناس قليلة من مماليكه و ممالين ابيه الاجلاب و لم يكن عنده من
الامراء احد غير مملوك والده قراجا الطويل الاعرج احد امراء العشرات و هو كلا شىء و الامير آخور
الكبير برسباى البجاسى و ليته لا كان عنده و خيربك القصروى نائب قلعة الجبل و كان اضر عليه من
كل احد حسبما ياتى ذكر فعله كل ذلك و الملك المؤيد لا يعلم حقيقة ما العزم فيه غير انه يعلم باجتماع
المماليك و الامراء فى بيت الامير الكبير خشقدم و انهم فى امر مريح غير انه لا يعرف نص ما هم فيه و
صار الملك المؤيد يسأل عن احوالهم و ينتظر مجىء احد من مماليك ابيه اليه فلم يطلع اليه احد منهم بل
العجب ان غالبهم كان مع القوم عند الامير الكبير مساعدة على ابن استاذهم وليتهم من المقبولين و انما
كانوا المذبذبين لا غير على ان الملك الظاهر خشقدم لما تسلطن ابادهم و شوش عليهم بالمسك و اخراج
ارزاقهم اكثر مما عمله مع الذين كانوا عند المؤيد فلا شلت يداه و بقى الملك المؤيد كلما فحص عن امر
الفتنة لا ياتيه احد بخبر شاف بل صارت الاخبار عنده مضطربة و آراءه مفلوكة و هو فى عدم حركة
و يظهر عدم الاكتراث بامر هذا الجمع الى ان تزايد الامر و خرج عن الحد و صار اللعب جدا فعند ذلك
تأهب من كان عنده من المماليك و قام الملك المؤيد من قاعة الدهيشة و مضى الى القصر السلطانى
المطل على الرملة ثم نزل بمن معه الى باب السلسلة و قبل ان يصل الى السطبل جاءه الخبر بان القوم
اخذوا باب السلسلة و ملكوا الاسطبل السلطانى و اخذوا الامير برسباى البجاسى الامير الآخور
الكبير اسيرا الى الامير الكبير خشقدم و كان اخذ باب السلسلة مكيدة من برسباى المذكور فلما
سمعت الاجلاب اخذ باب السلسلة نزل طائفة منهم و صدموا من بها من عساكر الاتابك خشقدم صدمة
هزموهم فيها و استولوا على باب السلسلة ثانيا و هى بلا امير آخور و جلس السلطان الملك المؤيد
بمقعد الاسطبل المطل على الرملة و كان عدم نزول المؤيد الى الاسطبل سرعة له اسباب منها انه كان
مطمئن الخاطر على باب السلسلة لكون الامير آخور برسباى ليس هو من غرض احدا من الطائفتين
و ايضا كونه صهره زوج بنت اخته من الامير بردبك الدوادار الثانى و قد صار بردبك من الممسوكين
عند الاتابك خشقدم و ايضا ان والده اينال هو الذى رقاه و خوله فى النعم فلم يلتفت برسباى لشىء
من ذلك و انشد قول من قال (الوافر)
لعمرك و الامور لها دواع
لقد ابعدت يا عتب الفرارا
و منها انه صار ينتظر من ياتيه من اصحابه و حواشيه و خجداشين ابيه و مماليكه فلم ياته احد منهم
فلما يئس منهم قام من الدهيشة بعد ان جاءه الخبر باخذ باب السلسلة و استرجاعها بيد مماليك ابيه
الاجلاب و لما جلس بالمقعد و رأى القوم قد تكاثف جمعهم و كثر عددهم و هو فيما هو فيه من قلة
العساكر و المقاتلة لم يكترث بذلك و اخذ فى الدفع عن نفسه بمه عنده غير ان الكثرةغلبت الشجاعة
و ما ثم شجاعة و لا دربة بمقاومة الحروب و صار ذلك خذلانا من الله تعالى فانه لم يطلع اليه فى هذا
اليوم واحد من مماليك ابيه القديمة و لا خجداشينه و ما كان عنده من الامراء غير قراجا المقدم ذكره و
من اعيان الخاصكية فارس البكتمرى احد الدوادارية الاجناد و مقبل دواداره قديما قبل سلطنته و
هؤلاء الثلاثة كلا شىء و لو لا ذكر اسماء من كان عنده علم خبر ما ذكرت مثل هؤلاء الاصاغر و كان
عنده مع هؤلاء اجلاب ابيه الذين بالاطباق و هم عدة كبيرة نحو الاف او دونها يسير او اكثر منها بقليل
و هم الذين اشتراهم والده الاشرف بعد سلطنته من التجار و اما الذين اشتراهم من تركة الظاهر
جقمق و من مماليك ولده الملك المنصورعثمان و عدتهم تزيد على المائتين و هم اعيان مماليك الاشرف
اينال و اصحاب الوظائف و الاقطاعات فقد استمالهم الامير جانبك نائب جدة قبل ذلك و قال لهم انتم
ظاهرية و شراء الاشرف لكم غير صحيح فمالوا الى كلامه و احسانه و عطاياه الخارجة عن الحد فى
الكرم و صاروا من حزب الظاهرية و ركبت الجميع معه فى هذا اليوم و قاتلوا ابن استاذهم اشد قتال
و صاروا هم يوم ذاك اعيان العسكر بالشبيبة و الامكان و الكثرة هذا مع من كان مع الاتابك خشقدم
من الناصرية و المؤيدية و الاشرفية و الظاهرية و السيفية
In the meantime, al-Malik al-Muʾayyad was in the Qalʿa in the company of a small number of his mamlūks and the julbān mamlūks of his father. None of the amirs was with him, except for one mamlūk of his father, Qarājā al-Ṭawīl al-ʾAʿraj, an amir 10, who was as (good as) nothing, the ʾamīr ʾākhūr kabīr, Barsbāy al-Bajāsī, - if only he had not been with him!-, and Khayrbak al-Qaṣrawī, the nāʾib Qalʿat al-Jabal, who did him more harm than anybody else, as will appear from the record of his actions.
All this, while al-Malik al-Muʾayyad did not know the truth of what had been deciced regarding him. He did know, however, that the mamlūks and the amirs had assembled in the house of the ʾamīr kabīr, Khushqadam, and that they were confused. What he did not know was the subject (naṣṣ) that they were discussing.
Al-Malik al-Muʾayyad started asking about their conditions, and he expected that one of his father’s mamlūks should come to him. However, none of them ascended to him; rather, strangely enough, most of them were with the people (Popper: his enemies) at the house of the ʾamīr kabīr, helping against the son of their ʾustādh. If only they had been rewarded (for that later on), but they were repulsed (mudhabdhab, trsl. thus by Popper). As al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Khushqadam became sultan, he exterminated them, troubled them through detention and through removal of their rizqs, more so than he did vis-à-vis those who were on al-Muʾayyad’s side, may his hands not become crippled!
Al-Malik al-Muʾayyad, as often as he inquired into the matter of the fitna, nobody came to him with any clear news. No, the reports (that he did receive) were confused, and his ideas were weak. He failed to take a move, and he failed to pay attention to the matter of this assembly, until the matter had increased beyond all bounds, and the game had turned into something serious.
At that point, the mamlūks that were with him prepared themselves, and al-Malik al-Muʾayyad stood up, and went from the qāʿa of the Duhaysha to Qaṣr Sulṭānīya, which overlooked the Ramla. Then, he descended with those in his company to the Bāb al-Silsila. Before he had arrived at the ʾIṣṭabl, he was informed that the enemy (qawm, trsl. thus by Popper) had taken the Bāb al-Silsila, had taken possession of the ʾIṣṭabl Sulṭānī, and had taken amir Barsbāy al-Bajāsī, the ʾamīr ʾākhūr kabīr, captive, (having carried him off) to the ʾamīr kabīr, Khushqadam.
Taking the Bāb al-Silsila had been a stratagem of the aforementioned Barsbāy, and as the julbān heard that the Bāb al-Silsila had been taken, a party of them descended and clashed with those who were there of the troops of the ʾatābak, Khushqadam, and put them to flight. They took back the Bāb al-Silsila, which did not have an ʾamīr ʾākhūr.
The sultan, al-Malik al-Muʾayyad sat down in the maqʿad of the ʾIṣṭabl, which overlook the Ramla.
The fact that al-Muʾayyad did not descend to the ʾIṣṭabl (any sooner) is accounted for by several facts, one of them being the fact that he had feeled confident about the Bāb al-Silsila, as the ʾamīr ʾākhūr Barsbāy was somebody who had not taken sides with any of the two parties, and also because of the fact that he was related to him by marriage, being the husband of the daughter of his sister by amir Bardbak, the dawādār thānī (Bardbak being one of those who had been seized and who was now at the house of the  ʾatābak, Khushqadam), and also because his father, ʾĪnāl, was the one who had raised him and who had confered favours upon him.
Barsbāy, however, did not care for any of that. As someone said,
‘By your life! There is a reason behind everything!
O threshold of flight, you have blocked (yourself from me)!’
Another reason was the fact that he kept expecting one of his ʾaṣḥāb or his ḥawāshī, or one of the khujdāshīn or the mamlūks of his father to come to him, but none of them came. As he despaired of their coming, he left the Duhaysha, after he had been informed that the Bāb al-Silsila had been taken and then taken back by the mamlūks of his father, the julbān.
When he sat down in the maqʿad, he saw that the enemy (qawm) had grown numerous and that their number had increased, while he still had a small number of troops and fighters. He did not pay attention to that and, together with those who were with him, he started to defend himself.
However, number got the upperhand over courage. Also, courage was lacking as well, as did skill in conducting wars.
This was a case of being foresaken by God, exalted is He above all, for that day, none of the old mamlūks or of the khujdāshīn of his father ascended to him that day, and he was with only one amir, the aforementioned Qarājā. Of the ʾaʿyān of the khāṣṣakīya, there was only Fāris al-Baktamurī, one of the dawādārīya ʾajnād, and Muqbil, who had been his dawādār before he had become sultan. These three, (however), amounted to (as good) as nothing. Little men as these I mention only for the sake of recording.
Apart from these, al-Muʾayyad also had with him the julbān of his father, who were in the barracks, a large number of approximately 1,000. These were the ones whom his father, al-ʾAshraf, had bought from the tujjār after he had become sultan.
As for those whom he had bought from the legacy (tarka, trsl. by Popper as estate) of al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq and from the mamlūks of the latter’ son, al-Malik al-Manṣūr ʿUthmān, who numbered over 200 and who were the ʾaʿyān of the mamlūks of al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl and who had held waẓīfas and ʾiqṭāʿs, amir Jānibak Nāʾib Jedda had won those over previously, by saying to them, ‘You are Ẓāhirīya, and the purchase of you by al-ʾAshraf is not valid!’ These then inclined towards his words, as well as his beneficence and his gifts, which exceeded all bounds, they joined the party of the Ẓāhirīya, and the lot rose together with him that day (against the sultan), and fougth the son of their ʾustādh most fiercely. That day, they became the ʾaʿyān of the troops in terms of youth, power and number, (in comparison to) those who were with ʾatābak Khushqadam of the Nāṣirīya, the Muʾayyadīya, the ʾAshrafīya, the Ẓāhirīya and the Sayfīya.

Related properties

Actors (31)

Name Extra
Barsbāy al-Bajāsī Barsbay al-Bajasi
Bint Birdibak Bint Birdibak
Birdibak al-ʾAshrafī Birdibak al-`Ashrafi
Fāris al-Baktamurī Faris al-Baktamuri
Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī Nāʾib Jidda Janibak al-Zahiri Na`ib Jidda
Khayrbak al-Qaṣrawī Khayrbak al-Qasrawi
Muqbil Muqbil
Qarājā al-ʾAshrafī al-ʾAʿraj Qaraja al-`Ashrafi al-`A'raj
al-Manṣūr ʿUthmān b. Jaqmaq al-Mansur 'Uthman b. Jaqmaq
al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
al-Muʾayyadīya al-Mu`ayyadiya
al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq
al-Nāṣirīya Faraj al-Nasiriya Faraj
al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy al-`Ashraf Barsbay
al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl al-ʾAjrūd al-`Ashraf `Inal al-`Ajrud
al-ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy al-`Ashrafiya Barsbay
al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq al-Zahir Jaqmaq
al-Ẓāhir Khushqadam al-Nāṣirī al-Muʾayyadī al-Zahir Khushqadam al-Nasiri al-Mu`ayyadi
khushdāshīya al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl khushdashiya al-`Ashraf `Inal
kuttābīya (al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq + al-Manṣūr ʿUthmān) kuttabiya (al-Zahir Jaqmaq + al-Mansur 'Uthman)
mamālīk julbān ʾashrafīya mamalik julban `ashrafiya
mamālīk sayfīya mamalik sayfiya
mamālīk sulṭānīya (al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad) mamalik sultaniya (al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad)
mamālīk sulṭānīya (al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl) mamalik sultaniya (al-`Ashraf `Inal)
mamālīk ẓāhirīya Jaqmaq(īya) mamalik zahiriya Jaqmaq(iya)
qāʾid/quwwād qa`id/quwwad
ʾaʿyān mamālīk al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl `a'yan mamalik al-`Ashraf `Inal
ʾaṣḥāb ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl `ashab `Ahmad b. `Inal
ʾukht ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl `ukht `Ahmad b. `Inal
ʾumarāʾ `umara`
ḥawāshī ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl hawashi `Ahmad b. `Inal

Practice (32)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0865-09-18 Quarreling insubordination ʾaṣḥāb ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Quarreling insubordination `ashab `Ahmad b. `Inal al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Quarreling insubordination ḥawāshī ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Quarreling insubordination hawashi `Ahmad b. `Inal al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Ordering other al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl mamālīk sulṭānīya (al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl) Ordering other al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal mamalik sultaniya (al-`Ashraf `Inal)
0865-09-18 Battling street violence al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl unknown Battling street violence al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal unknown
0865-09-18 Supporting other Barsbāy al-Bajāsī al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Supporting other Barsbay al-Bajasi al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Negative communication subterfuge Barsbāy al-Bajāsī al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Negative communication subterfuge Barsbay al-Bajasi al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Supporting other Fāris al-Baktamurī al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Supporting other Faris al-Baktamuri al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Khushdāshīya exploiting Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī Nāʾib Jidda kuttābīya (al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq + al-Manṣūr ʿUthmān) Khushdashiya exploiting Janibak al-Zahiri Na`ib Jidda kuttabiya (al-Zahir Jaqmaq + al-Mansur 'Uthman)
0865-09-18 Direct benefit UNKWN Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī Nāʾib Jidda kuttābīya (al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq + al-Manṣūr ʿUthmān) Direct benefit UNKWN Janibak al-Zahiri Na`ib Jidda kuttabiya (al-Zahir Jaqmaq + al-Mansur 'Uthman)
0865-09-18 Negative communication subterfuge Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī Nāʾib Jidda kuttābīya (al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq + al-Manṣūr ʿUthmān) Negative communication subterfuge Janibak al-Zahiri Na`ib Jidda kuttabiya (al-Zahir Jaqmaq + al-Mansur 'Uthman)
0865-09-18 Supporting other Khayrbak al-Qaṣrawī al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Supporting other Khayrbak al-Qasrawi al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Quarreling insubordination khushdāshīya al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Quarreling insubordination khushdashiya al-`Ashraf `Inal al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Supporting other kuttābīya (al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq + al-Manṣūr ʿUthmān) Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī Nāʾib Jidda Supporting other kuttabiya (al-Zahir Jaqmaq + al-Mansur 'Uthman) Janibak al-Zahiri Na`ib Jidda
0865-09-18 Quarreling insubordination kuttābīya (al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq + al-Manṣūr ʿUthmān) al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Quarreling insubordination kuttabiya (al-Zahir Jaqmaq + al-Mansur 'Uthman) al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Battling street violence mamālīk julbān ʾashrafīya unknown Battling street violence mamalik julban `ashrafiya unknown
0865-09-18 Supporting other mamālīk julbān ʾashrafīya al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Supporting other mamalik julban `ashrafiya al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Quarreling insubordination mamālīk sulṭānīya (al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl) al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Quarreling insubordination mamalik sultaniya (al-`Ashraf `Inal) al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Supporting other mamālīk sulṭānīya (al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad) al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Supporting other mamalik sultaniya (al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad) al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Supporting other Muqbil al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Supporting other Muqbil al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Supporting other Qarājā al-ʾAshrafī al-ʾAʿraj al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Supporting other Qaraja al-`Ashrafi al-`A'raj al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Battling street violence unknown unknown Battling street violence unknown unknown
0865-09-18 Informing fitna unknown al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Informing fitna unknown al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Arresting capturing unknown Barsbāy al-Bajāsī Arresting capturing unknown Barsbay al-Bajasi
0865-09-18 Arresting transfer unknown Barsbāy al-Bajāsī Arresting transfer unknown Barsbay al-Bajasi
0865-09-18 Battling street violence unknown unknown Battling street violence unknown unknown
0865-09-18 Informing fitna unknown al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Informing fitna unknown al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Informing fitna unknown al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Informing fitna unknown al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Arriving al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Arriving al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Arriving al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Arriving al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Preparing for battle unknown Preparing for battle unknown
0865-09-18 Arriving unknown Arriving unknown
0865-09-19 Acting general al-Ẓāhir Khushqadam al-Nāṣirī al-Muʾayyadī mamālīk sulṭānīya (al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl) Acting general al-Zahir Khushqadam al-Nasiri al-Mu`ayyadi mamalik sultaniya (al-`Ashraf `Inal)

Places (1)
