al-ʿAynī, ʿIqd (Q) 1: 158, 4 - 159, 11

1: 158, 4 - 159, 11
١١. السلطان الملك الناصر فرج ابو السعادات بن الملك الظاهر ابي السعيد برقوق بن انس العثماني.
مات قتلا في هذه السنة كما ذكرناه مفاصلا و كان مولده لما اقبل يلبغا الناصري و منطاش و هو في
سنة احدا و تسعين و سبعمائة و قيل ان الملك الظاهر لما بشر بولادته سماه بلغاق يعني فتنه, فلما خلص
من الكرك سماه فرجا فكان اسمه الاول هو الحقيقي, و كان خلف من الاولاد الذكور خمسة , ومن البنات
عشرة, و لم يكن مشكور السيرة في سلطنته الا عند من كان ياخذ منه ما شاء من امتعة الدنيا, و كان هو
في نفس الامر كريما الا ان غالب بذله كان في غير طريقه, و لغيره اهله, و كان مشتغلا بالنلاهي و
شرب الخمر و سائر المسكرات, و كان يجرى في مجالسه في الخلوة من الهزليات و كلمات الكفر ما لا
يحصى و لا يوصف و لم ينفسد كثيرا الا في آخر دولته لانه سفك فيها دماء كثيرة, و لم يكن واققا عند
الدين, غير مواظب على الصلوات, وكان له عشرة من الائمة بجوامك, و غالب الاوقات من كان يصلى
بواحد منهم.
و قيل انه كان في اكثر الاوقات يستغرق نهاره و جنبه, فلا جرم اخذه الله في الدنيا قبل الآخرة, و لم يكن
تسبب الافساده الا بعض الاتراك, احتاطوا عليه, و علموه سائر المصيب, فعند وقوعه في الشدة لم ير
احد منهم عنده. و هكذا يكون اذا كانت الصحبة و المعاشرة لوجه ممن وجوه الدنيا. سامحه الله.
Obituaries of 815:
11. Sultan al-Malik al-Nāṣir Faraj ʾAbu l-Saʿādāt b. al-Malik al-Ẓāhir ʾAbi l-Saʿīd Barqūq b. ʾAnas al-ʿUthmānī. He was killed in this year, as already mentioned in a separate part. He was born, when Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī and Minṭāsh started, in the year 791. It is said that al-Malik al-Ẓāhir, when he announced his birth, gave him the name Balghāq, which means his ?, but when he was released from Kerak he gave him the name Faraj, and this was his real first name. He was the fifth of the male children, and the 10th with the girls counted. His way of living during his sultanate was not praiseworthy and he enjoyed all the worldly pleasures. He was generous except that most of what he offered was for others than his people. He played music and drank wine and other alcoholic beverages. In councils there were comedies and innumerable and indescribable words of infidels. He was not very corrupt, until at the end of his reign, because he shed much blood then. He did not pay attention to religion, not to the prayers, and he had 10 paid imams with him and most of the time they praid instead of him. It is said that he spent most of the day in impurity and God took him in this world before the hereafter without crime. The reason for his corruptness was no other than some of the Turks who guarded him and taught him the rest of misfortunes, but when hardship afflicted him none of them stayed with him.
Related properties

Practice (4)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0791-12-31 Parenting becoming al-Ẓāhir Barqūq al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Parenting becoming al-Zahir Barquq al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq
0791-12-31 Direct benefit change of sentence unknown al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Direct benefit change of sentence unknown al-Zahir Barquq
0815-08-01 Performing central al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq unknown Performing central al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq unknown
0815-12-31 Assassinating UNKWN unknown al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Assassinating UNKWN unknown al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq

Institutions (1)

Institution (via actor properties) Extra
sulṭān sultan

Places (3)