Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 7: 822: 1 - 8

7: 822: 1 - 8
و لما انزل نعش الملك الظاهر خشقدم من القلعة شرعوا عند ذلك فى سلطنة الاتابك يلباى و كان قد
انبرم امره فى ضحوة نهار السبت هذا مع الامراء و مماليك الملك الظاهر خشقدم و كبيرهم يوم ذاك
خيربك الدوادار الثانى و خشكلدى البيسقى احد مقدمى الالوف و لما اذعن مماليك الظاهر الاجلاب
بسلطنة يلباى لم يختلف عليه يومئذ احد لان الشوكة كانت للاجلاب و هم ارادوا و الظاهرية الكبار تبع
لهم و ام المؤيدية فخجداشيته فتم امره
When the bier of al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Khushqadam was brought down from the citadel, they then started the arrangements for the sultanate of ʾatābak Yilbāy. His affair (i.e. his becoming sultan) had been agreed upon already on the morning of this Saturday with the amirs and the mamluks of al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Khushqadam, the kabīrs of whom at that day were Khayrbak, the dawādār thānī, and Khushkaldī al-Baysaqī, an amir 100.
When the julban of al-Ẓāhir agreed upon the sultanate of Yilbāy, there was nobody that day to oppose (the new sultan), as the power lay with the julban, who wanted (his succession). The Ẓāhirīya kibār followed them in this, while the Muʾayyadīya were his khushdāsh.
Hence, his assumption of the sultanate was complete.
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