Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 7: 840, 5 - 17

7: 840, 5 - 17
و قد حكى الامير برسباى قرا الخازندار الظاهرى انه لما اخذه من مخبأة القصر الابلق و توجه به الى
البحرة ليحبس بها فاجتاز به من طريق الحريم السلطانى انه عيى فى الطريق و جلس ليستريح ثم سأل
الامير برسباى المذكور الى اين اروح فقال له الى البحرة يا مولانا السلطان معزوزا مكرما فقال والله
ما انا سلطان انا امير و ما كنت افعل بالسلطنة و قد كبر سنى و ذهل عقلى و قل نظرى و سمعى بالله
سلم على السلطان و قل له انى لست بسلطان و سله ان يرسلنى الى ثغر دمياط او موضع آخر غير
حبس فاكون فيه الى ان اموت و انا مأمون العاقبة لانى ما عرفت ادبر المملكة و انا مولى سلطان فكيف
يقع منى ما يكرهه السلطان ثم بكى اولى و ثانية قال برسباى فشرعت ازيد فى تعظيمه و اسليه و أعده
بكل خير و المقصود من هذا الحكاية اعترافه بالعجز عن القيام بامور المملكة و بالجملة كانت سلطنته
غلطة من غلطات الدهر
Amir Barsbāy Qarā al-Ẓāhirī, the khāzindār, has told that, when he had taken him out of the secret chamber of the Qaṣr ʾAblaq, and was taking him to al-Baḥra, in order for him to be imprisoned there, hereby crossing the Ṭarīq al-Ḥarīm al-Sulṭānī, Yilbāy became fatigued on route and sat down to rest. Then he asked amir Barsbāy, ‘Where am I going to?’
Barsbāy said to him, ‘To al-Baḥra, o mawlānā l-sulṭān, respected and honored (maʿzūz mukarram)!’
He then said, ‘By God, I am not a sultan, I am an amir. What was I doing with the sultanate, when I had already grown old, my mind had become forgetful, and my sight and hearing poor? By God, greet the sultan, and tell him, ‘I am not a sultan.’ Ask him to send me to the harbour of Damietta or to some other place, but not to a prison, where I can live until I die, without posing a threat (maʾmūn al-ʿāqiba, trsl. by Popper as ‘safe to the end’). For I have not known have to manage the government. I am but a sultan’s mawlā, how could I do anything which the sultan would dislike?’
Then he wept time and again.’
Barsbāy continued, ‘Then I increased my showing respect for him, comforting him and promising him that all would be well.’
The reason why I reproduce this story is the fact that Yilbāy acknowledged his inability to take care of the matters of the government. In short, his sultanate was one of the errors of the age.
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Institutions (3)

Institution (via institution properties) Extra
sulṭān sultan
Institution (via actor properties) Extra
khāzindār (sulṭān) khazindar (sultan)
sulṭān sultan

Places (1)
