Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 7: 662, 18 - 663, 15

7: 662, 18 - 663, 15
فلما كان صبح نهار السبت تفرقوا على اكابر الدولة و الامراء ليمنعوهم من طلوع القلعة و يجمعوهم فى
بيت الاتابك خشقدم لعمل المصلحة فداروا على الامراء و امسكوا منهم جماعة كبيرة و احضروهم الى
بيت الاتابك خشقدم على كره من خشقدم و سارت فرقة فى باكر النهار الى بيت الامير بردبك الاشرفى
الدوادار الثانى الملاصق لمدرسة السلطان حسن و احضروه الى بيت الامير الكبير خشقدم بعد ان
اخرقوا به هذا و قد اجتمعت طوائف المماليك مثل الناصرية فرج و المؤيدية شيخ و الاشرفية برسباى
و الظاهرية جقمق و السيفية الجميع فى بيت الامير الكبير و لم يطلع الى القلعة فى هذا اليوم احد من
الامراء و الاعيان الى جماعة يسيرة جدا فلما تكامل جمعهم فى بيت الامير الكبير و اكثر الطوائف
يوم ذاك الاشرفية و الظاهرية و كبير الاشرفية الامير قرقماس امير مجلس و لا كلام له بل الكلام
لجانبك القجماسى الاشرفى المشد و لجانبك من امير الخازندار و الظاهرية كبيرهم الامير جانبك
نائب جدة احد مقدمى الالوف و قد صارت خجداشينه يوم ذاك فى طوع يده و تحت اوامره لحسن
سياسته و جودة تدبيره فانضمت كلمة الظاهرية به حتى صارت كلمة واحدة و هم حس و هو المعنى
و هذا بخلاف الاشرفية فانهم و ان كانوا هم ايضا متفقين فالاختلاف بين اكاربهم موجود بالنسبة
الى هؤلاء و عدم اكتراثهم بهذا الامر المهم و لتطلعهم على مجىء خجداشهم الامير جانم نائب الشأم
و لو لا ان امر المؤيد طرقهم على بغتة ما طاوعوا على الركوب فى مثل هذا اليوم قبل مجىء خجداشهم
The following morning, Saturday that is, they split, (each going) to the ʾakābir al-dawla and the amirs, in order to prevent them from ascending to the Qalʿa and to assemble them in the house of ʾatābak Khushqadam, in order to do what was to be done. They went to the amirs and seized a large number of them, and brought them to the house of ʾatābak Khushqadam, against Khushqadam’s will. In the early morning, a(nother) group) went to the house of the amir Bardbak al-ʾAshrafī, the dawādār thānī, which adjoined the Sulṭān Ḥasan Madrasa, and took him to the house of the ʾamīr kabīr Khushqadam, after first having laid in wait for him.
All this while several groups of mamlūks, such as the Nāṣirīya Faraj, the Muʾayyadīya Shaykh, the ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy, the Ẓāhirīya Jaqmaq and the Sayfīya, all had assembled in the house of the ʾamīr kabīr.
None of the amirs and none of the ʾaʿyān ascended to the Qalʿa that day, except for a very small group. When all had assembled at the house of the ʾamīr kabīr, the largest of the ṭawāʾif that day were the ʾAshrafīya and the Ẓāhirīya. The kabīr of the ʾAshrafīya was amir Qurqmās, the ʾamīr majlis. He, however, did not have authority (over the whole group) (kalām), as this belonged to Jānibak al-Qajmāsī al-ʾAshrafī, the mushidd,and to Jānibak min ʾAmīr, the khāzindār. As for the Ẓāhirīya, their kabīr was amir Jānibak Nāʾib Jedda and amir 100. That day, all of his khujdāshīn had come under his power and under his command, because of the sound policy and his excellent management. Authority over the Ẓāhirīya was concentrated in him, up to the extent that he had become their single authority. They were the sensation and he was the meaning*.
This was unlike the ʾAshrafīya, as for these, even though they did agree, there was a difference between their leaders, in comparison to these (i.e. the Ẓāhirīya), (because of) a lack of interest for this important matter and also because they waited for the arrival of their khujdāsh, amir Jānim, the nāʾib of Damascus. Had the matter of al-Muʾayyad not taken them by surprise, they would not have consented to rise on such a day, before their khujdāsh had arrived.
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Practice (28)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0865-09-18 Obeying other ʾaʿyān al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Obeying other `a'yan al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Quarreling insubordination ʾaʿyān al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Quarreling insubordination `a'yan al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Acting other ʾaʿyān al-ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Acting other `a'yan al-`Ashrafiya Barsbay al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Acting other ʾaʿyān mamālīk ẓāhirīya Jaqmaq(īya) al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Acting other `a'yan mamalik zahiriya Jaqmaq(iya) al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Acting other ʾUzbak min Ṭuṭukh al-Sāqī al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Acting other `Uzbak min Tutukh al-Saqi al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Quarreling altercation al-ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy al-ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy Quarreling altercation al-`Ashrafiya Barsbay al-`Ashrafiya Barsbay
0865-09-18 Obeying other al-ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy Jānibak al-ʾAshrafī al-Ẓarīf Obeying other al-`Ashrafiya Barsbay Janibak al-`Ashrafi al-Zarif
0865-09-18 Obeying other al-ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy Qurqmās al-ʾAshrafī al-Jalab Obeying other al-`Ashrafiya Barsbay Qurqmas al-`Ashrafi al-Jalab
0865-09-18 Obeying other al-ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy Jānibak al-ʾAshrafī al-Ẓarīf Obeying other al-`Ashrafiya Barsbay Janibak al-`Ashrafi al-Zarif
0865-09-18 Obeying other al-ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy Jānibak min Qijmās al-ʾAshrafī Obeying other al-`Ashrafiya Barsbay Janibak min Qijmas al-`Ashrafi
0865-09-18 Obeying other al-ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy Jānibak min Qijmās al-ʾAshrafī Obeying other al-`Ashrafiya Barsbay Janibak min Qijmas al-`Ashrafi
0865-09-18 Quarreling denial of request al-Ẓāhirīya ʾakābir dawla Quarreling denial of request al-Zahiriya `akabir dawla
0865-09-18 Quarreling denial of request al-Ẓāhirīya unknown Quarreling denial of request al-Zahiriya unknown
0865-09-18 Arresting capturing al-Ẓāhirīya unknown Arresting capturing al-Zahiriya unknown
0865-09-18 Quarreling displaying unhappiness al-Ẓāhir Khushqadam al-Nāṣirī al-Muʾayyadī al-Ẓāhirīya Quarreling displaying unhappiness al-Zahir Khushqadam al-Nasiri al-Mu`ayyadi al-Zahiriya
0865-09-18 Acting other Birdibak al-Ẓāhirī al-Bajmaqdār al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Acting other Birdibak al-Zahiri al-Bajmaqdar al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Acting other Jānibak al-ʾAshrafī al-Ẓarīf al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Acting other Janibak al-`Ashrafi al-Zarif al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Obeying other khushdāshīn Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī Nāʾib Jidda Obeying other khushdashin Janibak al-Zahiri Janibak al-Zahiri Na`ib Jidda
0865-09-18 Obeying other mamālīk ẓāhirīya Jaqmaq(īya) Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī Nāʾib Jidda Obeying other mamalik zahiriya Jaqmaq(iya) Janibak al-Zahiri Na`ib Jidda
0865-09-18 Obeying other mamālīk ẓāhirīya Jaqmaq(īya) Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī Nāʾib Jidda Obeying other mamalik zahiriya Jaqmaq(iya) Janibak al-Zahiri Na`ib Jidda
0865-09-18 Arresting capturing unknown Birdibak al-ʾAshrafī Arresting capturing unknown Birdibak al-`Ashrafi
0865-09-18 Quarreling insubordination unknown al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Quarreling insubordination unknown al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Obeying other unknown al-Muʾayyad ʾAḥmad b. ʾĪnāl Obeying other unknown al-Mu`ayyad `Ahmad b. `Inal
0865-09-18 Arriving al-ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy Arriving al-`Ashrafiya Barsbay
0865-09-18 Arriving al-Muʾayyadīya Arriving al-Mu`ayyadiya
0865-09-18 Arriving al-Nāṣirīya Faraj Arriving al-Nasiriya Faraj
0865-09-18 Arriving mamālīk ẓāhirīya Jaqmaq(īya) Arriving mamalik zahiriya Jaqmaq(iya)
0865-09-18 Arriving mamālīk sayfīya Arriving mamalik sayfiya

Places (1)
