Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 6: 432, 7 - 435, 7

6: 432, 7 - 435, 7
وتوفي الوالد - وهو على نيابة دمشق بها - في يوم الخميس سادس عشر المحرم‏. ونذكر التعريف به‏:‏ فهو
تغري بردي بن عبد الله من خواجا بشبغا‏. كان رومي الجنس‏. اشتراه الملك الظاهر برقوق في أوائل
سلطنته وأعتقه وجعله في يوم عتقه خاصكيا ثم جعله ساقيا وأنعم عليه بحصة من شيبين القصرثم جعله
رأس نوبة الجمدارية إلى أن نكب الملك الظاهر برقوق وخلع وحبس بسجن الكرك فحبس الوالد بدمشق
فإنه كان قد توجه مع من توجه من عسكر السلطان لقتال الناصري ومنطاش فقبض عليه هناك وسجن‏.
ودام في سجن دمشق إلى أن أخرجه الأمير بزلار العمري نائب دمشق وجعله بخدمته هو ودمرداش
المحمدي ودقماق المحمدي‏. واستمر الوالد بدمشق إلى أن خرج الملك الظاهر برقوق من سجن الكرك
فبادر الوالد بالتوجه إليه قبل أن يستفحل أمره وحضر معه الوقعة المشهورة التي كانت بينه وبين
منطاش‏. وحمل الوالد في الوقعة المذكورة على شخص من أمراء منطاش يسمى آقبغا اليلبغاوي فقنطره
عن فرسه فسأل برقوق عنه فقيل له تغري بردي فتفاءل برقوق باسمه لأن معناه‏:‏ الله أعطى وأنعم عليه
بإقطاع إمرة طبلخاناه دفعة واحدة مع أنه كان أنعم عليه قبل خروجه للسفر بإمرة ثم أرسله الملك الظاهر
برقوق إلى مصر يبشر من بها بسلطنته ونصرته على منطاش ودخل الظاهر في أثره إلى مصر. وبعد
قليل أنعم عليه بإمرة مائة وتقدمة ألف بالديار المصرية ثم جعله رأس نوبة النوب ثم ولاه نيابة حلب بعد
جلبان قراسقل‏. ثم عزله وأنعم عليه بتقدمة ألف بمصر على خبز شيخ الصفوي الخاصكي أمير مجلس‏.
وقبل أن يخلع عليه بإمرة مجلس نقله إلى إمرة سلاخ عوضا عن بكلمش العلائي بحكم مسكه‏. واستمر
على ذلك إلى أن كانت وقعة الأتابك أيتمش مع الملك الناصر فرج في سنة اثنتين وثمانمائة‏. وكان الوالد
قد انضم على أيتمش هو وجماعة من الأمراء - حسبما ذكرناه في ترجمة الملك الناصر فرج - وانهزم
الجميع بعد الوقعة وخرجوا من مصر إلى الأمير تنم نائب الشام وعادوا صحبته فانكسر تنم أيضا
وقبض على الجميع وقتلوا بقلعة دمشق إلا الوالد لشفاعة أم الملك الناصر فيه وآقبغا الأطروش وقتل من
عداهما‏. ودام الوالد بسجن قلعة دمشق إلى أن أطلق وتوجه إلى القدس بطالا بسفارة أم الملك الناصر
أيضا فدام بالقدس إلى أن طلبه الملك الناصر بغزة وخلع عليه بنيابة دمشق عوضا عن سودون قريب
الملك الظاهر برقوق بحكم أسره مع تيمور‏. فحكم الوالد دمشق مدة ثم انهزم مع الملك الناصر فرج إلى
الديار المصرية واستولى تيمور على دمشق‏. وأنعم الملك الناصر فرج على الوالد بتقدمة ألف بالقاهرة
فدام مدة يسيرة وخلع عليه أيضا بإعادته لنيابة دمشق بعد خروج تيمور منها كل ذلك في سنة ثلاث
وثمانمائة‏. فتوجه الوالد إليها وأقام بها إلى أن بلغه نية الملك الناصر بالقبض عليه ففر منها وتوجه إلى
دمرداش نائب حلب وعصيا معا ووقع لهما أمور وحروب إلى أن انهزما‏. وتوجه الوالد إلى بلاد التركمان
فأقام بها مدة إلى أن طلب إلى الديار المصرية وأنعم عليه بتقدمة ألف وأجلس رأس الميسرة أتابكا‏.
واستمر على ذلك إلى أن اختفى الملك الناصر فرج وخلع بأخيه المنصور عبد العزيز فخرج الوالد من
الديار المصرية على البرية بجماعة من مماليكه إلى أن توجه إلى القدس فدام في برية القدس إلى أن
عاد الملك الناصر أفرج إلى السلطنة ودخل على الأخت وكان الناصر عقد عقده عليها قبل خلعه بحضرة
الوالد فلما تسلطن ثانيا دخل بها في غيبة الوالد‏. ثم أرسل الناصر فرج بطلب الوالد فحضر الوالد على
حاله أولا إلى أن خلع عليه الملك الناصر باستقراره أتابك العساكر بالديار المصرية عوضا عن يشبك
الشعباني في سنة عشر وثمانمائة فدام على ذلك إلى أن نقل إلى نيابة دمشق في أواخر سنة ثلاث
عشرة وثمانمائة على كره منه بعد واقعة الكرك - وقد ذكرنا سبب ولايته في ترجمة الملك الناصر لما كان
على حصار الكرك - فدام على نيابة دمشق إلى أن مات في ولايته هذه وهي الثالثة لنيابة دمشق ودفن
بتربة الأمير تنم معه في فسقية واحدة‏. ولا أعلم من أخباره شيئا لصغر سني في حياته فإن كان مشكور
السيرة فالله تعالى ينفعه بفعله وإن كان غير ذلك فالله تعالى يرحمه بفضله‏. وخلف الوالد عشرة أولاد
ستة ذكور وأربع إناث أسن الجميع خوند فاطمة توفيت سنة ست وأربعين ثم الزيني قاسم في قيد
الحياة ومولده قبل القرن ثم الشرفي حمزة توفي سنة تسع وأربعين بالطاعون ثم بيرم ماتت في سنة
ست وعشرين ثم هاجر توفيت سنة خمس وأربعين ثم إبراهيم توفي سنة ست وعشرين ثم محمد مات
سنة تسع عشرة وثمانمائة ثم إسماعيل مات سنة ثلاث وثلاثين بالطاعون ثم شقراء في قيد الحياة ثم
كاتبه عفا الله تعالى عنه وأنا أصغر الجميع ومولدي بعد سنة إحدى عشرة وثمانمائة تخمينا‏. وخلف
الوالد من الأموال والسلاح والخيول والجمال شيئا كثيرا إلى الغاية استولى على ذلك كله الملك الناصر
فرج لما عاد إلى دمشق منهزما من الأمير شيخ ونوروز ثم قتل الملك الناصر بعد أيام وتركنا فقراء من
فقراء المسلمين فلم يضيعنا الله سبحانه وتعالى وأنشأنا على أجمل وجه من غير مال ولا عقار ولله
Obituaries of 815:
My father died, when he was nāʾib of Damascus, on Thursday 16/01. We mention what we know about him. He was Taghrī Birdī b. ʿAbd Allāh min Khawājā Bashbughā. He was of Rūmī origin. Al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Barqūq bought him in the beginnings of his sultanate, manumitted him and made him one of his khāṣṣakī on the day of his emancipation. Then he appointed him as sāqī, and bestowed a share of Shībīn al-Qaṣr to him. Then he appointed him as raʾs nawbat al-jamdārīya, until al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Barqūq was removed, deposed and imprisoned in the prison of Kerak. My father was also imprisoned in Damascus, because he had gone there with other persons of the army of the sultan to fight al-Nāṣirī and Mintāṣh. He was captured there and imprisoned. He stayed in the prison of Damascus until amir Buzlār al-ʿUmarī, the nāʾib of Damascus released him and took him in his service, with Damurdāsh al-Muḥammadī. My father stayed in Damascus until al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Barqūq left the prison of Kerak. My father went quickly to him, before his cause progressed too fast, and he was present with him at the famous battle between him and Mintāsh. In this battle my father charged against one of the amirs of Mintāsh, called ʾĀqbughā al-Yalbughāwī and threw him from his horse. Barqūq asked him who he was and he was told “Taghrī Birdī”. Barqūq regarded his name as a good omen, because it means “God has given” and he gave him in one time an ʾiqṭāʿ of an amir of 40, although before he left for the journey he had given him an emirate of 10, he had not taken over its management. Then al-Malik al-Ẓāhir sent him to Egypt, to announce there his sultanate and his victory over Mintāsh, and al-Ẓāhir entered Egypt following him. After a short time the sultan gave him an emirate of 100 of Egypt, then he appointed him raʾs nawbat al-nuwab. Then he appointed him nāʾib of Aleppo, after Julbān Qarā Saqal. He then dismissed him and made him again amir of 100 in Egypt, with the khubz of Shaykh al-Ṣafawī al-Khāssakī, the ʾamīr majlis, but before he gave him a robe of honour and appointed him as ʾamīr majlis, he transferred him to the function of ʾamīr silāḥ, in replacement of Baklamish al-ʿAlāʾī, who had been arrested. He stayed in this function until the conflict between ʾatābāk ʾAytamish and al-Nāṣir Faraj began, in the year 802. My father and a group of amirs had supported ʾAytamish, as we have mentioned in the chapter on al-Malik al-Nāṣir Faraj. They were defeated and after the battle they fled from Egypt to amir Tanam, the nāʾib of Damascus, and returned with him to Damascus. Tanam also was defeated, they were all arrested and killed in the citadel of Damascus, except my father, after intercession of the mother of al-Malik al-Nāṣir. ʾĀqbughā al-ʾUṭrūsh was also spared, but except those two all were killed. My father stayed imprisoned in the citadel of Damascus, until he was released and he went to Jerusalem as baṭṭāl, also by mediation of the mother of al-Malik al-Nāṣir. He stayed in Jerusalem until al-Malik al-Nāṣir summoned him at Gaza, gave him a robe of honour and appointed him as nāʾib of Damascus, in replacement of Sūdūn, the relative of al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Barqūq, because he had been captured by Timurlenk. My father governed Damascus for a while then he fled with al-Malik al-Nāṣir to Egypt and Timurlenk took control of Damascus. My father became amir of 100 in Cairo. He stayed there for a short time, and then he received a robe of honour and was reappointed as nāʾib of Damascus, after the departure of Timurlenk. All of this happened in 803. My father went to Damascus and stayed there until the news reached him that he was going to be arrested. He fled to Damurdāsh, the nāʾib of Aleppo and the two rebelled. There were several battles and affairs, until they were defeated. My father fled to the land of the Turkmen, and stayed there for a while, until he was summoned to Egypt, and he was given a double emirate of 100 and he sat at the head of the right,as ʾatābak. He stayed in this function until al-Malik al-Nāṣir went into hiding and was deposed in favour of his brother al-Manṣūr ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz. My father left Egypt with some mamluks, and they went to Jerusalem, where he stayed in the desert of Jerusalem until al-Malik al-Nāṣir returned as sultan and consummated the marriage with my sister. Al-Nāṣir had concluded the marriage contract with her, before he was deposed, in presence of my father, then, when he became sultan for the second time, he consummated the marriage, in absence of my father. Then he summoned him and when my father arrived, he stayed in his former function, until al-Malik al-Nāṣir gave him a robe of honour and appointed him as ʾatābak al-ʿasākir of Egypt, in replacement of Yashbak al-Shaʿbānī, in the year 810. He stayed in this function until he was transferred to the function of nāʾib of Damascus, at the end of 813, against his will, after the battle of Kerak. We have mentioned the reason of his appointment in the chapter on al-Malik al-Nāṣir, when he besieged Kerak. He stayed nāʾib of Damascus until he died, it was the third time he exercised this function. He was buried in the tomb of amir Tanam, with him, in one mausoleum. I don’t know nothing about his career, because I was very young during his lifetime. If his career was praiseworthy, may God grant him the benefit of the deeds, if not, may God be merciful to him. My father left 10 children, 6 boys and 4 girls. The oldest was Princess Fāṭima, who died in 846; then al-Zaynī Qāsim, who is still living, and was born before this century; then al-Sharafī Ḥamza, who died in 849 of the plague; then Bayram, who died in 826; then Hājir, who died in 845; then ʾIbrāhīm, who died in 826; then ʾIsmāʿīl, who died in 833 of the plague; then Muḥammad, who died in 819, then Shaqrāʾ, still living; then the author, may God pardon him. I am the youngest of them all and I was born somewhere after 811. My father left a large amount of possessions, arms, horses and camels, but al-Malik al-Nāṣir Faraj took everything when he returned to Damascus, defeated by amir Shaykh and amir Nawrūz. Al-Nāṣir was killed a few days later and left us amongst the poorest of Muslims. But God did not neglect us, and we grew up in the best of conditions without money or property, thanks to God.
Related properties

Actors (32)

Name Extra
Baklamish al-ʿAlāʾī Baklamish al-'Ala`i
Bayram bt. Taghrī Birdī Bayram bt. Taghri Birdi
Buzlār al-ʿUmarī Buzlar al-'Umari
Damurdāsh al-Muḥammadī Damurdash al-Muhammadi
Fāṭima Fatima
Hājar bt. Taghrī Birdī Hajar bt. Taghri Birdi
Julbān al-Ẓāhirī Qarā Saqal Julban al-Zahiri Qara Saqal
Muḥammad b. Taghrī Birdī Muhammad b. Taghri Birdi
Nawrūz al-Ḥāfiẓī Nawruz al-Hafizi
Qāsim b. Taghrī Birdī Qasim b. Taghri Birdi
Shaykh al-Khāṣṣakī al-Ṣafawī Shaykh al-Khassaki al-Safawi
Shībīn* al-Qaṣr Shibin* al-Qasr
Shīrīn al-Rūmīya Shirin al-Rumiya
Sūdūn al-Ẓāhirī Sudun al-Zahiri
Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
Tanbak al-Ḥasanī Tanam* Tanbak al-Hasani Tanam*
Timurbughā al-ʾAfḍalī Minṭāsh Timurbugha al-`Afdali Mintash
Tīmūrlank Timurlank
Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki
Yashbak al-Shaʿbānī Yashbak al-Sha'bani
Yūsuf b. Taghrī Birdī Yusuf b. Taghri Birdi
al-Malik al-Manṣūr ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz al-Malik al-Mansur 'Abd al-'Aziz
al-Muʾayyad Shaykh al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh
al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq
al-Ẓāhir Barqūq al-Zahir Barquq
ʾAytmish al-Bajāsī `Aytmish al-Bajasi
ʾIbrāhīm b. Taghrī Birdī `Ibrahim b. Taghri Birdi
ʾIsmāʿīl b. Taghrī Birdī `Isma'il b. Taghri Birdi
ʾĀqbughā al-Jawharī `Aqbugha al-Jawhari
ʾĀqbughā al-ʾUṭrūsh `Aqbugha al-`Utrush
ʿAʾisha Shaqrāʾ* bt. Taghrī Birdī 'A`isha Shaqra`* bt. Taghri Birdi
Ḥamza b. Taghrī Birdī Hamza b. Taghri Birdi

Events (63)

Name Date Extra
Taghrī Birdī flees to Turkmen 0803-12-31 Taghri Birdi flees to Turkmen
Al-Nāṣir Faraj marries daughter of Taghrī Birdī 0808-12-31 Al-Nasir Faraj marries daughter of Taghri Birdi
Al-Ẓāhir Barqūq returns to Egypt 0791-12-31 Al-Zahir Barquq returns to Egypt
Arrest of Baklamish al-ʿAlāʾī 0801-12-31 Arrest of Baklamish al-'Ala`i
Assasination of al-Nāṣir Faraj 0815-12-31 Assasination of al-Nasir Faraj
Barqūq deposed and arrested 0791-12-31 Barquq deposed and arrested
Barqūq released 0791-12-31 Barquq released
Battle between Minṭāsh and Barqūq 0791-12-31 Battle between Mintash and Barquq
Birth of Ibn Taghrī Birdī 0811-12-31 Birth of Ibn Taghri Birdi
Death of Bayrām bint Taghrī Birdī. 0826-12-31 Death of Bayram bint Taghri Birdi.
Death of Hājir bint Taghrī Birdī. 0845-12-31 Death of Hajir bint Taghri Birdi.
Death of Khawand Fāṭima bint Taghrī Birdī 0846-12-31 Death of Khawand Fatima bint Taghri Birdi
Death of Muḥammad b. Taghrī Birdī. 0819-12-31 Death of Muhammad b. Taghri Birdi.
Death of Taghri Birdī al-Bashbughāwī 0815-01-16 Death of Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
Death of ʾIbrāhīm b. Taghrī Birdī. 0826-12-31 Death of `Ibrahim b. Taghri Birdi.
Death of ʾIsmāʿīl b. Taghrī Birdī 0833-12-31 Death of `Isma'il b. Taghri Birdi
Death of Ḥamza b. Taghrī Birdī 0849-12-31 Death of Hamza b. Taghri Birdi
Defeat and arrest of Tanam and his supporters 0802-12-31 Defeat and arrest of Tanam and his supporters
Faraj defeated by Shaykh and Nawrūz 0814-01-01 Faraj defeated by Shaykh and Nawruz
Faraj deposed in favour of his brother 0808-12-31 Faraj deposed in favour of his brother
Manumittance of Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī 0790-12-31 Manumittance of Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
Meeting for sultanate of al-Muʾayyad Shaykh 0815-08-01 Meeting for sultanate of al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh
News of accession arrives in Damascus 0815-08-17 News of accession arrives in Damascus
Promotion of mamluks of Nawrūz after his death 0817-04-30 Promotion of mamluks of Nawruz after his death
Rebellion of Damurdāsh and Taghrī Birdī 0803-12-31 Rebellion of Damurdash and Taghri Birdi
Rumours about arrest reach Taghrī Birdī 0803-12-31 Rumours about arrest reach Taghri Birdi
Second reign of al-Nāsir Faraj 0808-12-31 Second reign of al-Nasir Faraj
Shaykh and Nawrūz divide power 0814-01-01 Shaykh and Nawruz divide power
Siege of Kerak by al-Malik al-Nāṣir 0813-12-31 Siege of Kerak by al-Malik al-Nasir
Sūdūn captured by Timurlenk 0803-12-31 Sudun captured by Timurlenk
Taghri Birdī al-Bashbughāwī appointed as sāqī 0790-12-31 Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi appointed as saqi
Taghri Birdī al-Bashbughāwī bought by Barqūq 0790-12-31 Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi bought by Barquq
Taghri Birdī al-Bashbughāwī appointed as ra’s nawbat al-jamdārīya 0790-12-31 Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi appointed as ra's nawbat al-jamdariya
Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī appointed nāʾib of Aleppo 0800-12-31 Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi appointed na`ib of Aleppo
Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī receives ʾiqṭāʿ 0791-12-31 Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi receives `iqta'
Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī again amir 100 0801-12-31 Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi again amir 100
Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī appointed 0801-12-31 Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi appointed
Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī promoted amir 100 0801-12-31 Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi promoted amir 100
Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī supports Barqūq 0791-12-31 Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi supports Barquq
Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī ordered to announce victory 0791-12-31 Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi ordered to announce victory
Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī released by Buzlār al-ʿUmarī 0791-12-31 Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi released by Buzlar al-'Umari
Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī imprisoned in Damascus 0791-12-31 Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi imprisoned in Damascus
Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī in service of Buzlār al-ʿUmarī 0791-12-31 Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi in service of Buzlar al-'Umari
Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī dismissed as nāʾib of Aleppo 0801-12-31 Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi dismissed as na`ib of Aleppo
Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī appointed raʾs nawba 0801-12-31 Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi appointed ra`s nawba
Taghrī Birdī and Faraj defeated by Timurlenk 0803-12-31 Taghri Birdi and Faraj defeated by Timurlenk
Taghrī Birdī appointed nāʾib of Damascus 0803-12-31 Taghri Birdi appointed na`ib of Damascus
Taghrī Birdī appointed nāʾib of Damascus 0813-12-31 Taghri Birdi appointed na`ib of Damascus
Taghrī Birdī appointed ʾatābak al-ʿasākir 0810-12-31 Taghri Birdi appointed `atabak al-'asakir
Taghrī Birdī flees to Damurdāsh 0803-12-31 Taghri Birdi flees to Damurdash
Taghrī Birdī flees to Jerusalem 0808-12-31 Taghri Birdi flees to Jerusalem
Taghrī Birdī joins Tanam 0802-12-31 Taghri Birdi joins Tanam
Taghrī Birdī promoted amir 100 0803-12-31 Taghri Birdi promoted amir 100
Taghrī Birdī reappointed as nāʾib of Damascus 0803-12-31 Taghri Birdi reappointed as na`ib of Damascus
Taghrī Birdī rehabilitated 0803-12-31 Taghri Birdi rehabilitated
Taghrī Birdī summoned back to Egypt 0808-12-31 Taghri Birdi summoned back to Egypt
Taghrī Birdī confiscated 0815-12-31 Taghri Birdi confiscated
Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī promoted amir 100 0817-09-02 Yalbugha al-Nasiri promoted amir 100
Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī returns from Syria 0817-09-02 Yalbugha al-Nasiri returns from Syria
Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī refuses to appear in Cairo, despite the sultan’s summoning 0791-02-10 Yalbugha al-Nasiri refuses to appear in Cairo, despite the sultan's summoning
sultan Barqūq promotes 31 amirs 0791-05-01 sultan Barquq promotes 31 amirs
ʾAytamish defeated in battle with Faraj 0802-12-31 `Aytamish defeated in battle with Faraj
Ṭaghrī Birdī released and made baṭṭāl 0802-12-31 Taghri Birdi released and made battal

Practice (132)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0790-12-31 Ustādhīya Buying al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Ustadhiya Buying al-Zahir Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0790-12-31 Regular income other al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Regular income other al-Zahir Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0790-12-31 Removing income other al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Shībīn* al-Qaṣr Removing income other al-Zahir Barquq Shibin* al-Qasr
0790-12-31 Ustādhīya Manumitting al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Ustadhiya Manumitting al-Zahir Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0790-12-31 Appointing khāṣṣakīya (sulṭān) al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Appointing khassakiya (sultan) al-Zahir Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0790-12-31 Appointing raʾs nawba jamdārīya (sulṭān) al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Appointing ra`s nawba jamdariya (sultan) al-Zahir Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0790-12-31 Appointing sāqī (sulṭān) al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Appointing saqi (sultan) al-Zahir Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0791-02-10 Quarreling insubordination Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Quarreling insubordination Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki al-Zahir Barquq
0791-05-01 Promoting ʾamīr 010 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Promoting `amir 010 (al-Qahira/Cairo) al-Zahir Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0791-12-31 Battling military campaign al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Timurbughā al-ʾAfḍalī Minṭāsh Battling military campaign al-Zahir Barquq Timurbugha al-`Afdali Mintash
0791-12-31 Regular income ʾiqṭāʿ al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Regular income `iqta' al-Zahir Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0791-12-31 Direct benefit change of sentence Buzlār al-ʿUmarī Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Direct benefit change of sentence Buzlar al-'Umari Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0791-12-31 Serving khdm Damurdāsh al-Muḥammadī Buzlār al-ʿUmarī Serving khdm Damurdash al-Muhammadi Buzlar al-'Umari
0791-12-31 Battling military campaign Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-ʾAtābakī Battling military campaign Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-`Atabaki
0791-12-31 Battling military campaign Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Timurbughā al-ʾAfḍalī Minṭāsh Battling military campaign Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi Timurbugha al-`Afdali Mintash
0791-12-31 Serving khdm Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Buzlār al-ʿUmarī Serving khdm Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi Buzlar al-'Umari
0791-12-31 Battling military campaign Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī ʾĀqbughā al-Jawharī Battling military campaign Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi `Aqbugha al-Jawhari
0791-12-31 Arresting seizing unknown al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Arresting seizing unknown al-Zahir Barquq
0791-12-31 Arresting capturing unknown Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Arresting capturing unknown Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0791-12-31 Direct benefit change of sentence unknown al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Direct benefit change of sentence unknown al-Zahir Barquq
0791-12-31 Arriving al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Arriving al-Zahir Barquq
0791-12-31 Traveling Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Traveling Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0791-12-31 Supporting military campaign ʿaskar / ʿasākir al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Supporting military campaign 'askar / 'asakir al-Zahir Barquq
0791-12-31 Supporting military campaign ʾĀqbughā al-Jawharī Timurbughā al-ʾAfḍalī Minṭāsh Supporting military campaign `Aqbugha al-Jawhari Timurbugha al-`Afdali Mintash
0791-12-31 Assigning mission al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Assigning mission al-Zahir Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0791-12-31 Supporting military campaign Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Supporting military campaign Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi al-Zahir Barquq
0791-12-31 Supporting military campaign Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Supporting military campaign Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi al-Zahir Barquq
0791-12-31 Dismissing sulṭān unknown al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Dismissing sultan unknown al-Zahir Barquq
0800-12-31 Appointing nāʾib (Ḥalab/Aleppo) al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Appointing na`ib (Halab/Aleppo) al-Zahir Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0800-12-31 Ending term nāʾib (Ḥalab/Aleppo) Julbān al-Ẓāhirī Qarā Saqal Ending term na`ib (Halab/Aleppo) Julban al-Zahiri Qara Saqal
0801-12-31 Regular income wage al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Regular income wage al-Zahir Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0801-12-31 Removing income wage al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Shaykh al-Khāṣṣakī al-Ṣafawī Removing income wage al-Zahir Barquq Shaykh al-Khassaki al-Safawi
0801-12-31 Arresting seizing unknown Baklamish al-ʿAlāʾī Arresting seizing unknown Baklamish al-'Ala`i
0801-12-31 Promoting ʾamīr 100 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Promoting `amir 100 (al-Qahira/Cairo) al-Zahir Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0801-12-31 Promoting ʾamīr 100 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Promoting `amir 100 (al-Qahira/Cairo) al-Zahir Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0801-12-31 Appointing ʾamīr silāḥ (sulṭān) al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Appointing `amir silah (sultan) al-Zahir Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0801-12-31 Appointing raʾs nawbat al-nuwab (sulṭān) al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Appointing ra`s nawbat al-nuwab (sultan) al-Zahir Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0801-12-31 Discharging nāʾib (Ḥalab/Aleppo) al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Discharging na`ib (Halab/Aleppo) al-Zahir Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0801-12-31 Ending term ʾamīr silāḥ (sulṭān) Baklamish al-ʿAlāʾī Ending term `amir silah (sultan) Baklamish al-'Ala`i
0802-12-31 Battling military campaign ʾAytmish al-Bajāsī al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Battling military campaign `Aytmish al-Bajasi al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq
0802-12-31 Battling military campaign al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Tanbak al-Ḥasanī Tanam* Battling military campaign al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Tanbak al-Hasani Tanam*
0802-12-31 Interceding (broker) change of sentence Shīrīn al-Rūmīya unknown Interceding (broker) change of sentence Shirin al-Rumiya unknown
0802-12-31 Interceding (broker) change of sentence Shīrīn al-Rūmīya unknown Interceding (broker) change of sentence Shirin al-Rumiya unknown
0802-12-31 Assassinating non-battle unknown Tanbak al-Ḥasanī Tanam* Assassinating non-battle unknown Tanbak al-Hasani Tanam*
0802-12-31 Assassinating non-battle unknown ʾumarāʾ Assassinating non-battle unknown `umara`
0802-12-31 Arresting capturing unknown ʾumarāʾ Arresting capturing unknown `umara`
0802-12-31 Arresting capturing unknown Tanbak al-Ḥasanī Tanam* Arresting capturing unknown Tanbak al-Hasani Tanam*
0802-12-31 Arresting capturing unknown Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Arresting capturing unknown Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0802-12-31 Arresting capturing unknown ʾĀqbughā al-ʾUṭrūsh Arresting capturing unknown `Aqbugha al-`Utrush
0802-12-31 Interceding (patrons - other) change of sentence unknown Shīrīn al-Rūmīya Interceding (patrons - other) change of sentence unknown Shirin al-Rumiya
0802-12-31 Direct benefit change of sentence unknown Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Direct benefit change of sentence unknown Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0802-12-31 Direct benefit change of sentence unknown ʾĀqbughā al-ʾUṭrūsh Direct benefit change of sentence unknown `Aqbugha al-`Utrush
0802-12-31 Direct benefit change of sentence unknown Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Direct benefit change of sentence unknown Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0802-12-31 Interceding (patrons - other) change of sentence unknown Shīrīn al-Rūmīya Interceding (patrons - other) change of sentence unknown Shirin al-Rumiya
0802-12-31 Fleeing ʾumarāʾ Fleeing `umara`
0802-12-31 Arriving ʾumarāʾ Arriving `umara`
0802-12-31 Arriving Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Arriving Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0802-12-31 Fleeing Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Fleeing Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0802-12-31 Traveling Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Traveling Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0802-12-31 Arriving Tanbak al-Ḥasanī Tanam* Arriving Tanbak al-Hasani Tanam*
0802-12-31 Supporting military campaign ʾumarāʾ ʾAytmish al-Bajāsī Supporting military campaign `umara` `Aytmish al-Bajasi
0802-12-31 Supporting military campaign ʾumarāʾ Tanbak al-Ḥasanī Tanam* Supporting military campaign `umara` Tanbak al-Hasani Tanam*
0802-12-31 Supporting military campaign ʾumarāʾ Tanbak al-Ḥasanī Tanam* Supporting military campaign `umara` Tanbak al-Hasani Tanam*
0802-12-31 Supporting military campaign Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Tanbak al-Ḥasanī Tanam* Supporting military campaign Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi Tanbak al-Hasani Tanam*
0802-12-31 Supporting military campaign Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī ʾAytmish al-Bajāsī Supporting military campaign Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi `Aytmish al-Bajasi
0802-12-31 Degrading baṭṭāl unknown Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Degrading battal unknown Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0803-12-31 Ritual attire al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Ritual attire al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0803-12-31 Ceremonial benefit attire al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Ceremonial benefit attire al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0803-12-31 Quarreling insubordination Damurdāsh al-Muḥammadī al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Quarreling insubordination Damurdash al-Muhammadi al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq
0803-12-31 Battling military campaign Damurdāsh al-Muḥammadī al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Battling military campaign Damurdash al-Muhammadi al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq
0803-12-31 Arresting capturing Tīmūrlank Sūdūn al-Ẓāhirī Arresting capturing Timurlank Sudun al-Zahiri
0803-12-31 Battling military campaign Tīmūrlank Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Battling military campaign Timurlank Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0803-12-31 Battling military campaign Tīmūrlank al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Battling military campaign Timurlank al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq
0803-12-31 Quarreling insubordination Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Quarreling insubordination Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq
0803-12-31 Battling military campaign Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Battling military campaign Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq
0803-12-31 Performing military Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī unknown Performing military Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi unknown
0803-12-31 Ritual attire unknown Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Ritual attire unknown Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0803-12-31 Ceremonial benefit attire unknown Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Ceremonial benefit attire unknown Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0803-12-31 Negative communication rumors unknown Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Negative communication rumors unknown Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0803-12-31 Fleeing al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Fleeing al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq
0803-12-31 Fleeing Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Fleeing Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0803-12-31 Fleeing Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Fleeing Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0803-12-31 Fleeing Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Fleeing Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0803-12-31 Ordering attendance al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Ordering attendance al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0803-12-31 Ordering attendance unknown Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Ordering attendance unknown Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0803-12-31 Promoting ʾamīr 100 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) unknown Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Promoting `amir 100 (al-Qahira/Cairo) unknown Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0803-12-31 Promoting ʾamīr 100 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) unknown Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Promoting `amir 100 (al-Qahira/Cairo) unknown Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0803-12-31 Promoting ʾamīr 100 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) unknown Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Promoting `amir 100 (al-Qahira/Cairo) unknown Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0803-12-31 Appointing nāʾib (Dimashq/Damascus) unknown Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Appointing na`ib (Dimashq/Damascus) unknown Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0803-12-31 Appointing nāʾib (Dimashq/Damascus) al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Appointing na`ib (Dimashq/Damascus) al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0803-12-31 Ending term nāʾib (Dimashq/Damascus) Sūdūn al-Ẓāhirī Ending term na`ib (Dimashq/Damascus) Sudun al-Zahiri
0808-12-31 Performing military al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Performing military al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0808-12-31 Fleeing al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Fleeing al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq
0808-12-31 Fleeing Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Fleeing Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0808-12-31 Fleeing zawja Saʿd al-Dīn b. Ghurrāb Fleeing zawja Sa'd al-Din b. Ghurrab
0808-12-31 Marrying marrying al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Fāṭima Marrying marrying al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Fatima
0808-12-31 Ordering attendance al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Ordering attendance al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0808-12-31 Appointing sulṭān unknown al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Appointing sultan unknown al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq
0808-12-31 Appointing sulṭān unknown al-Malik al-Manṣūr ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Appointing sultan unknown al-Malik al-Mansur 'Abd al-'Aziz
0808-12-31 Dismissing sulṭān unknown al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Dismissing sultan unknown al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq
0808-12-31 Giving in marriage Fāṭima Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Giving in marriage Fatima Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq
0810-12-31 Ritual attire al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Ritual attire al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0810-12-31 Ceremonial benefit attire al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Ceremonial benefit attire al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0810-12-31 Appointing ʾatābak ʿasākir (al-Qāhira/Cairo) al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Appointing `atabak 'asakir (al-Qahira/Cairo) al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0810-12-31 Ending term ʾatābak ʿasākir (al-Qāhira/Cairo) Yashbak al-Shaʿbānī Ending term `atabak 'asakir (al-Qahira/Cairo) Yashbak al-Sha'bani
0811-12-31 Parenting becoming Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Yūsuf b. Taghrī Birdī Parenting becoming Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi Yusuf b. Taghri Birdi
0813-12-31 Battling military campaign al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq ʾahl al-Karak Battling military campaign al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq `ahl al-Karak
0813-12-31 Quarreling displaying unhappiness Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī unknown Quarreling displaying unhappiness Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi unknown
0813-12-31 Appointing nāʾib (Dimashq/Damascus) unknown Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Appointing na`ib (Dimashq/Damascus) unknown Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0814-01-01 Battling military campaign al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Battling military campaign al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh
0814-01-01 Battling military campaign al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Nawrūz al-Ḥāfiẓī Battling military campaign al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Nawruz al-Hafizi
0814-01-01 Leadership al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Leadership al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh
0814-01-01 Leadership Nawrūz al-Ḥāfiẓī Leadership Nawruz al-Hafizi
0814-01-01 Appointing ʾatābak ʿasākir (al-Qāhira/Cairo) unknown al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Appointing `atabak 'asakir (al-Qahira/Cairo) unknown al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh
0814-01-01 Appointing nāʾib (Dimashq/Damascus) unknown Nawrūz al-Ḥāfiẓī Appointing na`ib (Dimashq/Damascus) unknown Nawruz al-Hafizi
0814-01-01 Appointing sulṭān unknown al-Mustaʿīn bi-llāh Appointing sultan unknown al-Musta'in bi-llah
0815-01-16 Dying Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Dying Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0815-01-16 Ending term nāʾib (Dimashq/Damascus) Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Ending term na`ib (Dimashq/Damascus) Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0815-08-01 Appointing sulṭān unknown al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Appointing sultan unknown al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh
0815-08-17 Quarreling displaying unhappiness al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Nawrūz al-Ḥāfiẓī Quarreling displaying unhappiness al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh Nawruz al-Hafizi
0815-12-31 Confiscating general al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Confiscating general al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0815-12-31 Assassinating UNKWN unknown al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Assassinating UNKWN unknown al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq
0817-04-30 Promoting unknown unknown mamālīk Nawrūz Promoting unknown unknown mamalik Nawruz
0817-09-02 Arriving Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-Ẓāhirī Arriving Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-Zahiri
0817-09-02 Promoting ʾamīr 100 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) unknown Yalbughā al-Nāṣirī al-Ẓāhirī Promoting `amir 100 (al-Qahira/Cairo) unknown Yalbugha al-Nasiri al-Zahiri
0819-12-31 Dying Muḥammad b. Taghrī Birdī Dying Muhammad b. Taghri Birdi
0826-12-31 Dying ʾIbrāhīm b. Taghrī Birdī Dying `Ibrahim b. Taghri Birdi
0826-12-31 Dying Bayram bt. Taghrī Birdī Dying Bayram bt. Taghri Birdi
0833-12-31 Dying ʾIsmāʿīl b. Taghrī Birdī Dying `Isma'il b. Taghri Birdi
0845-12-31 Dying Hājar bt. Taghrī Birdī Dying Hajar bt. Taghri Birdi
0846-12-31 Dying Fāṭima Dying Fatima
0849-12-31 Dying Ḥamza b. Taghrī Birdī Dying Hamza b. Taghri Birdi

Places (7)