al-Sakhāwī, al-Ḍawʾ 6: 197, 23 - 198, 19

6: 197, 23 - 198, 19
١٢٩ - قرقماس الشعباني الظاهري برقوق
ثم الناصري ويعرف بقرقماس أهرام ضاغ يعني جبل الأهرام لتكبره. أصله من كتابية الظاهر ثم ملكه ابنه فأعتقه وعمله خاصكياً ثم صار في دولة المؤيد من الدوادارية الصغار ثم تأمر بعده عشرة ثم دواداراً ثانياً مع إمرة طبلخاناه، ودام إلى سنة ست وعشرين فأنعم عليه بتقدمة وتوجه لمكة مع علي بن عنان كالشريك له في إمرتها وأقام بها نحو سنة تخميناً، وطلب إلى القاهرة على إمرته إلى أن خلع عليه في منتصف شوال سنة تسع وعشرين بالحجوبية الكبرى فباشرها بحرمة زائدة وعظمة وبطش في الناس بحيث هابه كل أحد؛ وسافر مع السلطان إلى آمد فلما رجع وذلك في سنة سبع وثلاثين استقر به في نيابة حلب بعد قصروه المنتقل لنيابة الشام فباشرها على عادته ثم صرف حين ظهر جانبك الصوفي من الروم وقدم القاهرة مسرعاً على النجب في سنة تسع وثلاثين على أقطاع جقمق العلائي ووظيفته إمرة سلاح إلى أن تجرد في جماعة أمراء إلى أرزنكان سنة إحدى وأربعين فكان حضورهم بالطلب حين ترشح جقمق للسلطنة فقام معه حتى تسلطن ذاك وعمل هذا عوضه أتابكاً فلم يلبث إلا أياماً ووثب عليه وكان ما شرح في الحوادث، وآل أمره إلى أن جرح في وجهه بالنشاب وفر عنه غالب أصحابه ثم انهزم واختفى من يوم الأربعاء رابع ربيع الآخر سنة اثنتين وأربعين ولم يلبث أن قبض عليه في يوم الجمعة سادسه ثم قيد وجهز إلى إسكندرية من الغد فحبس بها إلى خامس رجب وعقد له مجلس بالقصر وأقيمت البينة عند القاضي المالكي على منصوب عن قرقماس هو الشهاب بن يعقوب نقيب شيخنا بحكم غيبته بإسكندرية بخروجه على السلطان بعد مبايعته وخلفه له وإشهاره السلاح فحكم عليه بموجب الشهادة فقيل له: فما يجب عليه قال: يتخير السلطان في ذلك فجهز بريدي بأن يقرأ عليه المحضر ويعذر له فيه فقرئ عليه وأمر بقتله بسيف الشرع فضربت عنقه وذلك بإسكندرية في يوم الاثنين ثاني عشره وهو ابن نيف وخمسين سنة؛ وكان أميراً ضخماً متعاظماً متكبراً ظالماً مع تدبير ومكر وشجاعة وإقدام وكونه يتفقه ويتحفظ بعض المسائل ويظهر التدين ولتكبره وتعاظمه وعدم بشاشته سر العامة بإمساكه وإتلافه، وقد أشار شيخنا لترجمته في حوادث رجب وغيرها من أنبائه، وقال في ترجمة جارقطلي من سنة سبع وثلاثين منه: ومن الاتفاق الغريب أن رفيقاً لي رأى لما كنا في سفرة آمد قبل أن ندخل حلب وذلك في رمضان أن الناس اجتمعوا فطلبوا من يؤم بهم فرأوا رجلاً ينسب إلى صلاح فسألوه أن يؤم بهم فقال: بل يؤم بكم قرقماس ففي الحال حضر قرقماس فتقدم فصلى بهم فقدرت ولايته لها بعد بدون سنة، وقد ترجمه ابن خطيب الناصرية وغيره
129 - Qurqumās al-Shaʿbānī al-Ẓāhirī Barqūq
Then al-Nāṣirī and known as Qurqumās ʾAhrām Ḍāgh, meaning mountain of the pyramids, because of his haughtiness. Originally he was of the Ẓāhirī kuttābīya, after which his son became his owner. Then he manumitted him and made him a khāṣṣakī. In the reign of al-Muʾayyad he became one of the dawādārīya ṣighār and after that he was made an amir of 10. Then he was made dawādār thānī with an amirate of 40. This remained until 26, when he was granted a taqdima and headed to Makka with ʿAlī b. ʿInān as his sharīk in its amirate. He stayed there for about a year, by conjecture. Then he was demanded in Cairo for his amirate until he was bestowed in the middle of Shawwāl 829 the ḥujjūbīya kubrā, which he took up with much respect, pride and power, in as much that he was feared by all. He traveled with the sultan to ʾĀmid. When he returned, in 837, he appointed him in the niyāba of Aleppo after Qaṣrūh, who was transferred to the niyāba of Syria. He took it up as was his custom. Then he was distracted when Jānibak al-Ṣūfī appeared from Rūm. Quickly he came to Cairo by dromedary in 839 for the ʾiqṭāʿ of Jaqmaq al-ʿAlāʾī and for his position as ʾamīr silāḥ. This until he went on expedition together with a group of amirs to ʾArzinkān in 841. Their attendance was requested when Jaqmaq was nominated for the sultanate. He stood with him until he became sultan and was made in his place ʾatābak. But it only took some days before he rebelled and occurred what was explained in the events. The matter ended with that he was wounded in his face by an arrow and most of his ʾasḥāb fled from him. He was defeated and went into hiding from Wednesday the 4th Rabīʿ I 842. It did not take long before he was arrested on Friday the 6th. Then he was enchained and brought to Alexandria the next morning. He was imprisoned there until the 5th of Rajab. A majlis was held on him at the palace. The evidence was established by the Mālikī judge aimed against Qurqumās, it was al-Shihāb b. Yaʿqūb, the nāqib of our shaykh because of his absence in Alexandria by his expulsion by the sultan after his pledge of allegiance to him, his oath to it but then his taking up of weapons. There was ruled according testimony; there was said on him what must be said and he was chosen by the sultan in this. He prepared a barīdī which was to be read. In it he apologized what was read to him.
He ordered to kill him according to Law, so he was decapitated. This happened in Alexandria on Monday the 12th of the month. He was over 50 years old.
He was a great amir, arrogant, haughty and unjust, with management and deception, brave and intrepid. He had studied fiqh and learned hadith for some matters. He showed piety but for his his haughtiness, arrogance and lack of friendliness, the people were happy with his seizure and destruction. Our shaykh pointed this out in his remembrance in the events of Rajab and in other places of his news. In the remembrance of Jār Quṭlī in the year 837 he said on him: it was a strange agreements that a companion of mine saw, when we were traveling to ʾĀmid, before we entered Aleppo -this in Ramaḍān- that the people gathered and demanded he who was leading and they saw a man connected to righteousness. They asked him to lead them and he said: “but Qurqumās leads you”, Immediately Qurqumās was present, came forward and prayed with them. His authority was powerful less than one year. Ibn Khaṭīb al-Nāṣirī and others wrote him a remembrance.
Related properties

Events (30)

Name Date Extra
Amirs assigned to expeditionary force 0841-07-07 Amirs assigned to expeditionary force
Amirs of the expedition to ʾArzinkān asked to return to Cairo 0842-03-04 Amirs of the expedition to `Arzinkan asked to return to Cairo
Amirs return to Cairo and join Jaqmaq 0842-03-05 Amirs return to Cairo and join Jaqmaq
Appointments following Jār Quṭlū’s death 0837-07-29 Appointments following Jar Qutlu's death
Execution of Qurqumās 0842-07-12 Execution of Qurqumas
Jaqmaq made ʾamīr kabīr 0839-03-08 Jaqmaq made `amir kabir
Jānibak al-Ṣūfī appears in the Aleppan region 0837-12-31 Janibak al-Sufi appears in the Aleppan region
Jār Quṭlū dies 0837-07-19 Jar Qutlu dies
New ʾamīr silāḥ and other appointments 0829-10-13 New `amir silah and other appointments
Qurqumās al-Shaʿbān as al-Nāsir Faraj’s mamluk 0801-01-01 Qurqumas al-Sha'ban as al-Nasir Faraj's mamluk
Qurqumās al-Shaʿbānī sent on campaign to the Hijaz 0826-11-16 Qurqumas al-Sha'bani sent on campaign to the Hijaz
Qurqumās al-Shaʿbān as khāṣṣakī 0815-01-01 Qurqumas al-Sha'ban as khassaki
Qurqumās al-Shaʿbān manumitted 0815-01-01 Qurqumas al-Sha'ban manumitted
Qurqumās al-Shaʿbānī as Barqūq’s mamluk 0801-01-01 Qurqumas al-Sha'bani as Barquq's mamluk
Qurqumās al-Shaʿbānī as amir of 10 0824-01-01 Qurqumas al-Sha'bani as amir of 10
Qurqumās al-Shaʿbānī as dawādār thānī 0826-01-01 Qurqumas al-Sha'bani as dawadar thani
Qurqumās al-Shaʿbānī as ḥājib ḥujjāb 0829-10-15 Qurqumas al-Sha'bani as hajib hujjab
Qurqumās al-Shaʿbānī became a dawādār 0824-01-01 Qurqumas al-Sha'bani became a dawadar
Qurqumās al-Shaʿbānī became an amir of 40 0825-04-08 Qurqumas al-Sha'bani became an amir of 40
Qurqumās appointed ʾamīr of Mecca 0827-01-26 Qurqumas appointed `amir of Mecca
Qurqumās convicted in khidma session 0842-07-08 Qurqumas convicted in khidma session
Qurqumās leaves Aleppo for Cairo 0839-03-06 Qurqumas leaves Aleppo for Cairo
Qurqumās promoted to ʾamīr 100 0826-10-01 Qurqumas promoted to `amir 100
Qurqumās submits to sultan 0842-04-06 Qurqumas submits to sultan
Qurqumās urges Jaqmaq to become sultan 0842-03-10 Qurqumas urges Jaqmaq to become sultan
Qurqumās’ transport to Alexandria’s prison 0842-04-07 Qurqumas' transport to Alexandria's prison
Redistribution of ʾiqṭāʿs and ranks 0829-09-12 Redistribution of `iqta's and ranks
Transfers of mansabs 0842-03-20 Transfers of mansabs
ʾAshrafīya revolt for higher pay 0842-04-04 `Ashrafiya revolt for higher pay
ʾĪnāl joins the sultan to ʾĀmid 0836-01-01 `Inal joins the sultan to `Amid

Practice (42)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0801-01-01 Ustādhīya Buying al-Ẓāhir Barqūq Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Ustadhiya Buying al-Zahir Barquq Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0801-01-01 Ustādhīya Other al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Ustadhiya Other al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0815-01-01 Ustādhīya Manumitting al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Ustadhiya Manumitting al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0815-01-01 Appointing khāṣṣakīya (sulṭān) al-Nāṣir Faraj b. Barqūq Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Appointing khassakiya (sultan) al-Nasir Faraj b. Barquq Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0824-01-01 Promoting ʾamīr 010 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) unknown Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Promoting `amir 010 (al-Qahira/Cairo) unknown Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0824-01-01 Appointing dawādār (small) (sulṭān) al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Appointing dawadar (small) (sultan) al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0825-04-08 Promoting ʾamīr 040 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) unknown Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Promoting `amir 040 (al-Qahira/Cairo) unknown Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0826-01-01 Appointing dawādār thānī (sulṭān) unknown Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Appointing dawadar thani (sultan) unknown Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0826-10-01 Promoting ʾamīr 100 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) unknown Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Promoting `amir 100 (al-Qahira/Cairo) unknown Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0826-11-16 Traveling ʿAlī b. ʿInān b Mughāmis Traveling 'Ali b. 'Inan b Mughamis
0826-11-16 Traveling Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Traveling Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0827-01-26 Appointing ʾamīr (Makka/Mecca) unknown Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Appointing `amir (Makka/Mecca) unknown Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0829-09-12 Promoting ʾamīr 100 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) unknown Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Promoting `amir 100 (al-Qahira/Cairo) unknown Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0829-10-13 Appointing ḥājib ḥujjāb (sulṭān) unknown Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Appointing hajib hujjab (sultan) unknown Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0829-10-15 Performing household Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī unknown Performing household Qurqmas al-Sha'bani unknown
0836-01-01 Traveling al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Traveling al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0836-01-01 Traveling Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Traveling Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0837-07-19 Dying Jār Quṭlū al-Ẓāhirī Dying Jar Qutlu al-Zahiri
0837-07-29 Appointing nāʾib (Ḥalab/Aleppo) unknown Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Appointing na`ib (Halab/Aleppo) unknown Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0837-07-29 Appointing nāʾib (Dimashq/Damascus) unknown Qaṣrūh min Timrāz al-Ẓāhirī Appointing na`ib (Dimashq/Damascus) unknown Qasruh min Timraz al-Zahiri
0837-07-29 Ending term nāʾib (Ḥalab/Aleppo) Qaṣrūh min Timrāz al-Ẓāhirī Ending term na`ib (Halab/Aleppo) Qasruh min Timraz al-Zahiri
0837-12-31 Performing local Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī unknown Performing local Qurqmas al-Sha'bani unknown
0837-12-31 Arriving Jānibak al-Ṣūfī Arriving Janibak al-Sufi
0839-03-06 Obeying travel Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Obeying travel Qurqmas al-Sha'bani al-`Ashraf Barsbay
0839-03-06 Traveling Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Traveling Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0839-03-08 Appointing ʾamīr silāḥ (sulṭān) unknown Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Appointing `amir silah (sultan) unknown Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0839-03-08 Ending term ʾamīr silāḥ (sulṭān) al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Ending term `amir silah (sultan) al-Zahir Jaqmaq
0841-07-07 Assigning military campaign unknown Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Assigning military campaign unknown Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0842-03-04 Ordering attendance unknown ʾumarāʾ Ordering attendance unknown `umara`
0842-03-05 Leadership al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Leadership al-Zahir Jaqmaq
0842-03-10 Obeying other Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Obeying other Qurqmas al-Sha'bani al-Zahir Jaqmaq
0842-03-20 Appointing ʾatābak ʿasākir (al-Qāhira/Cairo) unknown Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Appointing `atabak 'asakir (al-Qahira/Cairo) unknown Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0842-04-04 Battling street violence Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Battling street violence Qurqmas al-Sha'bani al-Zahir Jaqmaq
0842-04-04 Fleeing Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Fleeing Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0842-04-06 Arresting seizing unknown Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Arresting seizing unknown Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0842-04-07 Arresting transfer unknown Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Arresting transfer unknown Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0842-07-08 Performing religious ʾAḥmad b. Yaʿqūb unknown Performing religious `Ahmad b. Ya'qub unknown
0842-07-08 Ritual public session al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq unknown Ritual public session al-Zahir Jaqmaq unknown
0842-07-08 Assigning mission unknown zawja Saʿd al-Dīn b. Ghurrāb Assigning mission unknown zawja Sa'd al-Din b. Ghurrab
0842-07-08 Traveling zawja Saʿd al-Dīn b. Ghurrāb Traveling zawja Sa'd al-Din b. Ghurrab
0842-07-12 Punishing execution unknown Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Punishing execution unknown Qurqmas al-Sha'bani
0842-07-12 Ritual public punishment unknown Qurqmās al-Shaʿbānī Ritual public punishment unknown Qurqmas al-Sha'bani

Places (5)