Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Nujūm (P) 7: 619, 8 - 621, 20 (T)

7: 619, 8 - 621, 20 (T)
و توفى الامير سيف الدين قانى باى بن عبد الله الحمزاوى نائب دمشق بها فى يوم الاربعاء ثالث شهر ربيع الآخر
و قد قارب الثمانين و دفن من الغد فى يوم الخميس و كان اصله من مماليك سودون الحمزاوى الظاهرى الدوادار
ثم خدم بعد موته عند الوالد هو و جماعة كثيرة من خجداشيته مدة طويلة ثم صار فى خدمة الملك المؤيد شيخ المحمودى
قبل سلطنته فلما تسلطن امره عشرة ثم امير طبلخاناة ثم صار امير مائة و مقدم الف بعد موت الملك المؤيد شيخ و تولى
نيابة الغيبة بالديار المصرية للملك المظفر احمد بن شيخ لما سافر مع الاتابك ططر الى دمشق ثم قبض عليه الملك الظاهر
ططر لما عاد من دمشق و حبسه مدة الى ان اطلقه الملك الاشرف برسباى و جعله اتابك دمشق ثم طلبه بعد سنين
الى الديار المصرية و جعله بها امير مائة و مقدم الف و استقر الامير تغرى بردى المحمودى بعده اتابك دمشق
فدام قانى باى بالقاهرة الى ان ولاه الاشرف نيابة حماع بعد انتقال الامير جلبان الى نيابة طرابلس بعد موت
الاتابك طرباى فى سنة سبع و ثلاثين ثم نقل بعد مدة الى نيابة طرابلس بعد الامير جلبان ايضا بحكم انتقاله
الى نيابة حلب بعد عصيان تغرى برمش و خروجه عن الطاعة فى سنة اثنتين و اربعين و ثمانمائة فلم تطل مدته
بها و نقل الى نيابة حلب بعد انتقال جلبان ايضا الى نيابة دمشق بعد موت الاتابك آقبغا التمرازى فى سنة ثلاث
و اربعين و ثمانمائة فدام فى ينابة حلب الى سنة ثمان و اربعين و ثمانمائة فطلبه الملك الظاهر جقمق الى الديار
المصرية و عزله عن نيابة حلب بالامير قانى باى البهلوان الناصرى و انعم عليه بامرة مائة و تقدمة الف بالديار المصرية
عوضا عن الامير شادبك الجكمى المتولى نيابة حماة بعد انتقال قانى باى البهلوان المقدم ذكره الى نيابة حلب فاستمر
قانى باى الحمزاوى من امراء الديار المصرية الى ان اعاده الملك الظاهر جقمق ثانيا الى نيابة حلب بعد عزل الامير
تنم من عبد الرزاق المؤيدى و قدومه الى مصر على اقطاع قانى باى هذا فدام فى نيابة هذه على حلب الى ان نقله
الملك الاشرف اينال الى نيابة دمشق بعد موت الامير جلبان فى سنة ستين و ثمانمائة فاستمر على نيابة دمشق الى ان
مات بها هو هو عاص على السلطنة فى الباطان مقيما على الطاعة فى الظاهر و قد وقع فى امر قانى باى هذا
غرائب منها انه من يوم خرج من مصر الى ولاية حلب ثانيا فى دولة الظاهر جقمق عصا على السلطان فى الباطن
و عزم على انه لا يعود الى مصر ابدا فلما مات الظاهر و تسلطن ابنه المنصور عثمان ثم الاشرف اينال قوى امر قانى
باى هذا بحلب و فشا امره عند كل احد فلم يكشف الاشرف اينال ستر التاغفل بينه و بين قانى باى المذكور بل صار
كل منهما يتجاهل على الآخر فذاك يظهر الطاعة و امتثال المراسيم من غير ان يطئ بساط السلطان او يحضر
الى القاهرة و هذى يرضى منه بذلك و يقول هذا داخل فى طاعتى و لا يرسل خلفه ابدا بل يغالطه حتى لو اراد قانى باى
الحضور الى القاهرة ما مكنه اينال لمعرفته منه ان ذلك امتحانا و صار كل منهما يترقب موت الآخر الى ان مات قانى
باى قبل و ولى الاشرف اينال عوضه فى نيابة دمشق الامير جانم الاشرفى و من الغرائب التى وقعت له ايضا ان قانى
باى هذا لم يل ولاية بلد مثل حماة و طرابلس و حلب و الشأم الا بعد الامير جلبان مع طول مدة جلبان فى نيابته بالبلاد
الشأمية ازيد من ثلاثين سنة فهذا من النوادر الغريبة كون ان قانى باى يعزل عن نيابة حلب و يصير اميرا بمصر مدة
سنين و يلى حلب بعده غير واحد ثم يعود الى نيابة حلب و يقيم بها الى ان ينتقل منها الى نيابة الشأم بعد موت جلبان
كما انتقل قبل ذلك بعده فى كل بلد هذا هو الاتفاق العجيب
On Wednesday, 03/04/08693, amir Sayf al-Dīn Qānī Bāy b. ʿAbd Allāh al-Ḥamzāwī, the nāʾib of Damascus, passed away there, aged around 80. He was buried the following day, Thursday that is.
He was originally a mamluk of Sūdūn al-Ḥamzāwī al-Ẓāhirī, the dawādār. Following the latter’s death, he served my father for a long time, together with a lot of his khushdāshīya. He then entered the service of al-Malik al-Muʾayyad Shaykh al-Maḥmūdī, before the latter had become sultan. When he became sultan, he promoted Qānī Bāy amir 10, then amir 40. Following the death of al-Malik al-Muʾayyad Shaykh, he was promoted amir 100 and was appointed as nāʾib al-ghayba in the Egyptian domains to al-Malik al-Muẓaffar ʾAḥmad, the son of Shaykh, when he traveled to Damascus with ʾatābak Ṭaṭar. Al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar then seized him on his return from Damascus, and imprisoned him for some time. Al-Malik al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy then released him and appointed him ʾatābak of Damascus. Some years later, he summoned him to the Egyptian domains, and promoted him as amir 100 there. He was succeeded as ʾatābak of Damascus by amir Taghrī Birdī al-Maḥmūdī. Qānī Bāy remained in Cairo until al-ʾAshraf appointed him as nāʾib of Hama, following the transfer of amir Julbān to the office of nāʾib of Tripoli, after the death of ʾatābak Ṭarabāy in 37. Some time later, he was transferred to the office of nāʾib of Tripoli, succeeding amir Julbān, as the latter had been transferred to the office of nāʾib of Aleppo, following the rebellion of Taghrī Birmish in 842. He didn’t remain in that office for a long time, as he was transferred to the office of nāʾib of Aleppo, again following the transfer of Julbān to the office of nāʾib of Damascus, following the death of ʾatābak ʾĀqbughā al-Timrāzī in 843. He held the office of nāʾib of Aleppo until 848, as al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq summoned him to the Egyptian domains and removed him from office, replacing him by amir Qānī Bāy al-Bahlawān al-Nāṣirī. He favored him with an amirate 100 in the Egyptian domains, instead of Shāddibak al-Jakamī, who had been appointed as nāʾib of Hama, following the transfer of Qānī Bāy al-Bahlawān to the office of nāʾib of Aleppo. Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī thus became an Egyptian amir, until al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq reappointed him as nāʾib of Aleppo, following the removal of amir Tanam min ʿAbd al-Razzāq al-Muʾayyadī and the latter’s arrival in Egypt (to take) the ʾiqṭāʿ of Qānī Bāy. He remained in that office until al-Malik al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl transferred him to the office of nāʾib of Damascus, following the death of amir Julbān in 860. He remained in that office until he died there, inwardly in revolt against the sultanate, but outwardly loyal. As for this Qānī Bāy, some strange things had happened, including the following. From the day he left Cairo to take up the office in Aleppo a second time during the reign of al-Malik al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq, he had revolted against the sultan inwardly and had decided never to return to Cairo. When al-Ẓāhir died and his son, al-Manṣūr ʿUthmān, and then al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl became sultan, his position in Aleppo grew stronger, and his attitude became obvious to everybody. Yet, al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl did not remove the veil of pretended inattention to the matter between him and Qānī Bāy. Instead, both of them pretended ignorance of the other, the one giving the appearance of obedience and fulfilling marāsīm, without treading the sultan’s carpet or coming to Cairo, the other accepting this from him and saying, ‘He is entering into submission to me’; however, he never sent for him, but rather tried to put him off with subterfuges. In short, had Qānī Bāy wanted to come to Cairo, ʾĪnāl would not have enabled him to do so, as he knew that this would be a test. Hence, both of them began to watch for the death of the other, until then Qānī Bāy died first, and al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl appointed instead of him amir Jānim al-ʾAshrafī as nāʾib of Damascus.
Another strange thing that happened to him also was that Qānī Bāy did not hold any office of a city, be it Hama, Tripoli, Aleppo or Damascus, except succeeding herein amir Julbān, despite the length of Julbān’s administration of these Syrian offices, over 30 years!
This is something very strange indeed that Qānī Bāy was removed from the office of nāʾib of Aleppo and became an amir in Egypt for many years, the office of nāʾib of Aleppo being held after him by several people, and that he then returned to that same office and stayed there, until he was transferred to the office of nāʾib of Damascus, following the death of Julbān, just as, before this, he had been transferred after him in each city. This is a strange coincidence.
Related properties

Events (30)

Name Date Extra
Appointment of Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī as nāʾib of Damascus 0859-02-25 Appointment of Qani Bay al-Hamzawi as na`ib of Damascus
Appointments following death of Ṭarabāy 0838-08-16 Appointments following death of Tarabay
Appointments in Syria, following the death of the nāʾib of Damascus 0863-04-11 Appointments in Syria, following the death of the na`ib of Damascus
Death of Julbān ʾAmīr ʾĀkhūr 0859-02-16 Death of Julban `Amir `Akhur
Death of Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī, the nāʾib of Damascus 0863-04-03 Death of Qani Bay al-Hamzawi, the na`ib of Damascus
Letters to restore order in North Syria 0842-09-11 Letters to restore order in North Syria
Qashtamur and Qānibayh al-Ḥamzāwī arrested and brought to Alexandria 0824-11-03 Qashtamur and Qanibayh al-Hamzawi arrested and brought to Alexandria
Qānibāy al-Ḥamzāwī as nāʾib of Aleppo 0852-05-27 Qanibay al-Hamzawi as na`ib of Aleppo
Qānibāy al-Ḥamzāwī appointed ʾatābak of Damascus 0824-11-03 Qanibay al-Hamzawi appointed `atabak of Damascus
Qānibāy al-Ḥamzāwī is summoned to Cairo 0849-04-20 Qanibay al-Hamzawi is summoned to Cairo
Qānibāy al-Ḥamzāwī promoted amir 10 0815-08-01 Qanibay al-Hamzawi promoted amir 10
Qānibāy al-Ḥamzāwī promoted amir 40 0815-08-01 Qanibay al-Hamzawi promoted amir 40
Qānibāy al-Ḥamzāwī released by al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy 0824-11-03 Qanibay al-Hamzawi released by al-`Ashraf Barsbay
Qānibāy al-Ḥamzāwī serving al-Muʾayyad Shaykh before the latter’s sultanate 0815-08-01 Qanibay al-Hamzawi serving al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh before the latter's sultanate
Qānibāy al-Ḥamzāwī and his khushdāshīya serving Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī 0810-12-30 Qanibay al-Hamzawi and his khushdashiya serving Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
Qānibāy al-Ḥamzāwī as a mamluk of Sūdūn al-Ḥamzāwī 0810-12-30 Qanibay al-Hamzawi as a mamluk of Sudun al-Hamzawi
Qānibāy al-Ḥamzāwī promoted amir 100 in Egypt 0833-07-16 Qanibay al-Hamzawi promoted amir 100 in Egypt
Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī discharged as nāʾib of Aleppo 0849-04-20 Qani Bay al-Hamzawi discharged as na`ib of Aleppo
Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī inwardly in revolt against the sultans 0843-04-26 Qani Bay al-Hamzawi inwardly in revolt against the sultans
Redistribution of ʾiqṭāʿ 0824-03-09 Redistribution of `iqta'
Taghrī Birdī al-Maḥmūdī sent to Damascus as ʾatābāk 0833-07-16 Taghri Birdi al-Mahmudi sent to Damascus as `atabak
Tanam min Tanam dismissed as nāʾib of Aleppo 0852-05-27 Tanam min Tanam dismissed as na`ib of Aleppo
Tanam receives ʾiqṭāʿ 0852-08-01 Tanam receives `iqta'
Transfer of niyābas in Syria 0849-04-20 Transfer of niyabas in Syria
Transfers of Syrian mansabs 0843-04-26 Transfers of Syrian mansabs
ʾAqbughā al-Timrāzī, nāʾib al-Shām dies 0843-01-01 `Aqbugha al-Timrazi, na`ib al-Sham dies
Ṭarabāy dies 0838-07-04 Tarabay dies
Ṭaṭar appoints nāʾib al-ghayba and others 0824-04-22 Tatar appoints na`ib al-ghayba and others
Ṭaṭar leaves Damascus 0824-09-17 Tatar leaves Damascus
Ṭaṭar leaves to camp outside Cairo 0824-04-19 Tatar leaves to camp outside Cairo

Practice (53)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0810-12-30 Serving khdm Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Taghrī Birdī al-Bashbughāwī Serving khdm Qani Bay al-Hamzawi Taghri Birdi al-Bashbughawi
0810-12-30 Ustādhīya UNKWN Sūdūn al-Ḥamzāwī Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Ustadhiya UNKWN Sudun al-Hamzawi Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0815-08-01 Serving khdm Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī al-Muʾayyad Shaykh Serving khdm Qani Bay al-Hamzawi al-Mu`ayyad Shaykh
0815-08-01 Promoting ʾamīr 010 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) unknown Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Promoting `amir 010 (al-Qahira/Cairo) unknown Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0815-08-01 Promoting ʾamīr 040 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) unknown Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Promoting `amir 040 (al-Qahira/Cairo) unknown Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0824-03-09 Promoting ʾamīr 100 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) unknown Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Promoting `amir 100 (al-Qahira/Cairo) unknown Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0824-04-19 Traveling al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Traveling al-Zahir Tatar
0824-04-19 Traveling al-Muẓaffar ʾAḥmad b. Shaykh Traveling al-Muzaffar `Ahmad b. Shaykh
0824-04-22 Appointing nāʾib ghayba (al-Qāhira/Cairo) unknown Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Appointing na`ib ghayba (al-Qahira/Cairo) unknown Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0824-09-17 Traveling al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Traveling al-Zahir Tatar
0824-11-03 Direct benefit change of sentence al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Direct benefit change of sentence al-`Ashraf Barsbay Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0824-11-03 Arresting seizing al-Ẓāhir Ṭaṭar Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Arresting seizing al-Zahir Tatar Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0824-11-03 Appointing ʾatābak ʿasākir (Dimashq/Damascus) al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Appointing `atabak 'asakir (Dimashq/Damascus) al-`Ashraf Barsbay Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0833-07-16 Ordering attendance al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Ordering attendance al-`Ashraf Barsbay Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0833-07-16 Promoting ʾamīr 100 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Promoting `amir 100 (al-Qahira/Cairo) al-`Ashraf Barsbay Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0833-07-16 Appointing ʾatābak ʿasākir (Dimashq/Damascus) unknown Taghrī Birdī al-Maḥmūdī Appointing `atabak 'asakir (Dimashq/Damascus) unknown Taghri Birdi al-Mahmudi
0833-07-16 Discharging ʾatābak ʿasākir (Dimashq/Damascus) al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Discharging `atabak 'asakir (Dimashq/Damascus) al-`Ashraf Barsbay Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0838-07-04 Dying Ṭarabāy* al-Ẓāhirī Dying Tarabay* al-Zahiri
0838-07-04 Ending term nāʾib (Ṭarābulus/Tripoli) Ṭarabāy* al-Ẓāhirī Ending term na`ib (Tarabulus/Tripoli) Tarabay* al-Zahiri
0838-08-16 Appointing nāʾib (Ṭarābulus/Tripoli) unknown Julbān al-Muʾayyadī ʾAmīr ʾĀkhūr Appointing na`ib (Tarabulus/Tripoli) unknown Julban al-Mu`ayyadi `Amir `Akhur
0838-08-16 Appointing nāʾib (Ḥamā) al-ʾAshraf Barsbāy Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Appointing na`ib (Hama) al-`Ashraf Barsbay Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0838-08-16 Ending term nāʾib (Ḥamā) Julbān al-Muʾayyadī ʾAmīr ʾĀkhūr Ending term na`ib (Hama) Julban al-Mu`ayyadi `Amir `Akhur
0842-09-11 Appointing nāʾib (Ḥalab/Aleppo) al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Julbān al-Muʾayyadī ʾAmīr ʾĀkhūr Appointing na`ib (Halab/Aleppo) al-Zahir Jaqmaq Julban al-Mu`ayyadi `Amir `Akhur
0842-09-11 Appointing nāʾib (Ṭarābulus/Tripoli) unknown Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Appointing na`ib (Tarabulus/Tripoli) unknown Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0842-09-11 Dismissing nāʾib (Ḥalab/Aleppo) unknown Taghrī Birmish al-Turkumānī Dismissing na`ib (Halab/Aleppo) unknown Taghri Birmish al-Turkumani
0842-09-11 Ending term nāʾib (Ṭarābulus/Tripoli) Julbān al-Muʾayyadī ʾAmīr ʾĀkhūr Ending term na`ib (Tarabulus/Tripoli) Julban al-Mu`ayyadi `Amir `Akhur
0842-09-11 Ending term nāʾib (Ḥamā) Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Ending term na`ib (Hama) Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0843-01-01 Dying ʾĀqbughā al-Timrāzī Dying `Aqbugha al-Timrazi
0843-01-01 Ending term nāʾib (Dimashq/Damascus) ʾĀqbughā al-Timrāzī Ending term na`ib (Dimashq/Damascus) `Aqbugha al-Timrazi
0843-04-26 Acting general Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Acting general Qani Bay al-Hamzawi al-Zahir Jaqmaq
0843-04-26 Acting general Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl al-ʾAjrūd Acting general Qani Bay al-Hamzawi al-`Ashraf `Inal al-`Ajrud
0843-04-26 Acting general Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī al-Manṣūr ʿUthmān b. Jaqmaq Acting general Qani Bay al-Hamzawi al-Mansur 'Uthman b. Jaqmaq
0843-04-26 Appointing nāʾib (Ḥalab/Aleppo) unknown Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Appointing na`ib (Halab/Aleppo) unknown Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0843-04-26 Appointing nāʾib (Dimashq/Damascus) unknown Julbān al-Muʾayyadī ʾAmīr ʾĀkhūr Appointing na`ib (Dimashq/Damascus) unknown Julban al-Mu`ayyadi `Amir `Akhur
0843-04-26 Ending term nāʾib (Ḥalab/Aleppo) Julbān al-Muʾayyadī ʾAmīr ʾĀkhūr Ending term na`ib (Halab/Aleppo) Julban al-Mu`ayyadi `Amir `Akhur
0843-04-26 Ending term nāʾib (Ṭarābulus/Tripoli) Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Ending term na`ib (Tarabulus/Tripoli) Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0849-04-20 Ordering attendance al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Ordering attendance al-Zahir Jaqmaq Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0849-04-20 Promoting ʾamīr 100 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Promoting `amir 100 (al-Qahira/Cairo) al-Zahir Jaqmaq Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0849-04-20 Appointing nāʾib (Ḥalab/Aleppo) unknown Qānī Bāy al-Bahlawān Appointing na`ib (Halab/Aleppo) unknown Qani Bay al-Bahlawan
0849-04-20 Appointing nāʾib (Ḥamā) al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Shādibak al-Jakamī Appointing na`ib (Hama) al-Zahir Jaqmaq Shadibak al-Jakami
0849-04-20 Discharging nāʾib (Ḥalab/Aleppo) al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Discharging na`ib (Halab/Aleppo) al-Zahir Jaqmaq Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0849-04-20 Ending term ʾamīr 100 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) Shādibak al-Jakamī Ending term `amir 100 (al-Qahira/Cairo) Shadibak al-Jakami
0849-04-20 Ending term nāʾib (Ḥamā) Qānī Bāy al-Bahlawān Ending term na`ib (Hama) Qani Bay al-Bahlawan
0852-05-27 Acting general Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Acting general Qani Bay al-Hamzawi al-Zahir Jaqmaq
0852-05-27 Appointing nāʾib (Ḥalab/Aleppo) al-Ẓāhir Jaqmaq Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Appointing na`ib (Halab/Aleppo) al-Zahir Jaqmaq Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0852-05-27 Discharging nāʾib (Ḥalab/Aleppo) unknown Tanam* al-Muʾayyadī Discharging na`ib (Halab/Aleppo) unknown Tanam* al-Mu`ayyadi
0852-08-01 Regular income ʾiqṭāʿ unknown Tanam* al-Muʾayyadī Regular income `iqta' unknown Tanam* al-Mu`ayyadi
0859-02-16 Dying Julbān al-Muʾayyadī ʾAmīr ʾĀkhūr Dying Julban al-Mu`ayyadi `Amir `Akhur
0859-02-16 Ending term nāʾib (Dimashq/Damascus) Julbān al-Muʾayyadī ʾAmīr ʾĀkhūr Ending term na`ib (Dimashq/Damascus) Julban al-Mu`ayyadi `Amir `Akhur
0859-02-25 Appointing nāʾib (Dimashq/Damascus) al-ʾAshraf ʾĪnāl al-ʾAjrūd Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Appointing na`ib (Dimashq/Damascus) al-`Ashraf `Inal al-`Ajrud Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0863-04-03 Dying Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Dying Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0863-04-03 Ending term nāʾib (Dimashq/Damascus) Qānī Bāy al-Ḥamzāwī Ending term na`ib (Dimashq/Damascus) Qani Bay al-Hamzawi
0863-04-11 Appointing nāʾib (Dimashq/Damascus) unknown Jānim al-ʾAshrafī Appointing na`ib (Dimashq/Damascus) unknown Janim al-`Ashrafi

Places (2)
