Ibn Taghrī Birdī, Ḥawādith (P) 8: 397, 13 - 398, 10

8: 397, 13 - 398, 10
و لما تم جلوس الظاهر بمبيت الحراقة من باب السلسلة و عنده جميع امراء الالوف و قد اشار القوم
بسلطنته من الغد مع امكانها فى هذا اليوم و لكن السبب فى التاخير اضطراب بعض اعيان الامراء
الاشرفية و نزولهم الى دورهم عند طلوع الظاهر الى باب السلسلة فشق ذلك على الامراء لا سيما
الظاهرية و علموا ان قصد الاشرفية تهويق سلطنة الاتابك من يوم الى يوم و يترقبون بمجىء جانم
قبل ان يتسلطن الاتابك و يعسر عليهم خلعه بعد ذلك و سلطنته و فطن جانبك نائب جدة لقصدهم فقام
من فوره و نزل لجانبك الاشرفى الخازندار و قد اجتمع عندهما جماعة اخر من خجداشيتهم الاشرفية
فاخذ نائب جدة فى استمالتهم الى الطلوع معه ثم صار ياخذهم فى سلطنة الاتابك فى هذا اليوم
باللين و اليابس و الوعد و الوعيد حتى اذعنا و طلعا مهع بمن معهما الى الاسطبل السلطانى بعد ان
التزم لهما نائب جدة بامور منها ان يكون جانبك شاد الشرابخاناة على عادته و ينعم عليه بامرة
مائة و تقدمة الف زيادة على طبلخاناته و وظيفة المشدية و هذا شىء لم يقع لغيره و ان يكون جانبك
الظريف الخازندار دوادار ثانيا و امير مائة و مقدم الف و هو ايضا شىء لم يقع لغيره قديما و لا
حديثا و التزم نائب جدة بهذا كله لانجاز سلطنة الظاهر خشقدم فى هذا اليوم قبل حدوث حادث و
انتهز الفرصة و استعمل الاحوط و كان جانبك من رجال الدهر و لما طلع بالجماعة لباب السلسلة و
اجتمعت الكلمة عند ذلك على الاتابك خشقدم تسلطن من يومه كما سنذكره الآن
As al-Ẓāhir had taken his seat in the Mabīt Ḥarrāqa at the Bāb al-Silsila, with all the amirs 100 in his company, the people suggested that he would become sultan the following day, even though doing so was possible that day as well. The reason for the delay was the commotion caused by some of the ʾaʿyān of the ʾAshrafīya mamlūks, who had retured to their houses at the ascend of al-Ẓāhir to the Bāb al-Silsila. The amirs found that hard to bear, and most especially the Ẓāhirīya, who knew that the purpose of the ʾAshrafīya was to detain the sultanate of the ʾatābak day after day, expecting Jānim to arrive (in Cairo) before the ʾatābak became sultan, and to force them to remove him (later on, in case he would become sultan) and to have Jānim become sultan.
Jānibak Nāʾib Jidda understood what they were aiming at. He immediately rose to his feet, and went down to Jānibak al-ʾAshrafī, the mushidd, and he kept working him until he rode out together with Jānibak to Jānibak al-ʾAshrafī, the khāzindār. With both of them another group of his khujdāshīya ʾAshrafīya had assembled. The nāʾib of Jedda started winning them over to ascending together with him. Then he started urging them, gently and firmly, through promises and threats, (to accept) the sultanate of the ʾatābak that very day, until they both gave in and ascended with those who were with them together with the nāʾib of Jedda to the ʾIsṭabl Sulṭānī, after the nāʾib of Jedda had pledged himself to them to several matters, including the pledges that Jānibak would be the shādd al-sharābkhānā, as he had been; that he would be favored with an emirate of 100, in addition to an emirate of 40 and a postion of mushidd, which was something that hadn’t happened to anyone before; and that Jānibak al-Ẓarīf al-Khāzindār would be dawādār thānī and an amir of 100, which was also something that hadn’t happened to anyone before, neither in the past or recent times.
The nāʾib of Jedda pledged to all this, in order to accomplish the sultanate of al-Ẓāhir Khushqadam that same day, before something could intervene. He seized the opportunity and he employed the most shrewd (means to do so). Jānibak was one of the men of his age. When he ascended with the group to the Bāb al-Silsila and everybody then agreed over ʾatābak Khushqadam, he became sultan that very day, as we will discuss now.
Related properties

Practice (21)

Date Type Spec. Actor 1 Actor 2 Source Extra
0865-09-19 Negative communication subterfuge ʾaʿyān al-ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy al-Ẓāhir Khushqadam al-Nāṣirī al-Muʾayyadī Negative communication subterfuge `a'yan al-`Ashrafiya Barsbay al-Zahir Khushqadam al-Nasiri al-Mu`ayyadi
0865-09-19 Obeying other al-ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy al-Ẓāhir Khushqadam al-Nāṣirī al-Muʾayyadī Obeying other al-`Ashrafiya Barsbay al-Zahir Khushqadam al-Nasiri al-Mu`ayyadi
0865-09-19 Ritual public session al-Ẓāhir Khushqadam al-Nāṣirī al-Muʾayyadī unknown Ritual public session al-Zahir Khushqadam al-Nasiri al-Mu`ayyadi unknown
0865-09-19 Negative communication subterfuge Jānibak al-ʾAshrafī al-Ẓarīf al-Ẓāhir Khushqadam al-Nāṣirī al-Muʾayyadī Negative communication subterfuge Janibak al-`Ashrafi al-Zarif al-Zahir Khushqadam al-Nasiri al-Mu`ayyadi
0865-09-19 Obeying other Jānibak al-ʾAshrafī al-Ẓarīf al-Ẓāhir Khushqadam al-Nāṣirī al-Muʾayyadī Obeying other Janibak al-`Ashrafi al-Zarif al-Zahir Khushqadam al-Nasiri al-Mu`ayyadi
0865-09-19 Promising direct benefits UNKWN Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī Nāʾib Jidda al-ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy Promising direct benefits UNKWN Janibak al-Zahiri Na`ib Jidda al-`Ashrafiya Barsbay
0865-09-19 Negative communication threatening Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī Nāʾib Jidda Jānibak al-ʾAshrafī al-Ẓarīf Negative communication threatening Janibak al-Zahiri Na`ib Jidda Janibak al-`Ashrafi al-Zarif
0865-09-19 Negative communication threatening Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī Nāʾib Jidda al-ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy Negative communication threatening Janibak al-Zahiri Na`ib Jidda al-`Ashrafiya Barsbay
0865-09-19 Negative communication threatening Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī Nāʾib Jidda Jānibak min Qijmās al-ʾAshrafī Negative communication threatening Janibak al-Zahiri Na`ib Jidda Janibak min Qijmas al-`Ashrafi
0865-09-19 Obeying other Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī Nāʾib Jidda al-Ẓāhir Khushqadam al-Nāṣirī al-Muʾayyadī Obeying other Janibak al-Zahiri Na`ib Jidda al-Zahir Khushqadam al-Nasiri al-Mu`ayyadi
0865-09-19 Negative communication subterfuge Jānibak min Qijmās al-ʾAshrafī al-Ẓāhir Khushqadam al-Nāṣirī al-Muʾayyadī Negative communication subterfuge Janibak min Qijmas al-`Ashrafi al-Zahir Khushqadam al-Nasiri al-Mu`ayyadi
0865-09-19 Obeying other Jānibak min Qijmās al-ʾAshrafī al-Ẓāhir Khushqadam al-Nāṣirī al-Muʾayyadī Obeying other Janibak min Qijmas al-`Ashrafi al-Zahir Khushqadam al-Nasiri al-Mu`ayyadi
0865-09-19 Quarreling displaying unhappiness mamālīk ẓāhirīya Jaqmaq(īya) ʾaʿyān al-ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy Quarreling displaying unhappiness mamalik zahiriya Jaqmaq(iya) `a'yan al-`Ashrafiya Barsbay
0865-09-19 Obeying other unknown al-Ẓāhir Khushqadam al-Nāṣirī al-Muʾayyadī Obeying other unknown al-Zahir Khushqadam al-Nasiri al-Mu`ayyadi
0865-09-19 Quarreling displaying unhappiness unknown ʾaʿyān al-ʾAshrafīya Barsbāy Quarreling displaying unhappiness unknown `a'yan al-`Ashrafiya Barsbay
0865-09-19 Obeying other unknown al-Ẓāhir Khushqadam al-Nāṣirī al-Muʾayyadī Obeying other unknown al-Zahir Khushqadam al-Nasiri al-Mu`ayyadi
0865-09-19 Appointing sulṭān unknown al-Ẓāhir Khushqadam al-Nāṣirī al-Muʾayyadī Appointing sultan unknown al-Zahir Khushqadam al-Nasiri al-Mu`ayyadi
0865-09-19 Promising manṣab ʾamīr 100 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī Nāʾib Jidda Jānibak al-ʾAshrafī al-Ẓarīf Promising mansab `amir 100 (al-Qahira/Cairo) Janibak al-Zahiri Na`ib Jidda Janibak al-`Ashrafi al-Zarif
0865-09-19 Promising manṣab ʾamīr 100 (al-Qāhira/Cairo) Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī Nāʾib Jidda Jānibak min Qijmās al-ʾAshrafī Promising mansab `amir 100 (al-Qahira/Cairo) Janibak al-Zahiri Na`ib Jidda Janibak min Qijmas al-`Ashrafi
0865-09-19 Promising manṣab dawādār thānī (sulṭān) Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī Nāʾib Jidda Jānibak al-ʾAshrafī al-Ẓarīf Promising mansab dawadar thani (sultan) Janibak al-Zahiri Na`ib Jidda Janibak al-`Ashrafi al-Zarif
0865-09-19 Promising manṣab shādd shirābkhānāh (sulṭān) Jānibak al-Ẓāhirī Nāʾib Jidda Jānibak min Qijmās al-ʾAshrafī Promising mansab shadd shirabkhanah (sultan) Janibak al-Zahiri Na`ib Jidda Janibak min Qijmas al-`Ashrafi

Places (1)
